05OrangeSS vs Samsara

Nice vid, cars looked pretty closely matched…glad to see you guys got out and got some more runs in.

honestly i think u got ur panties bunched up in the 350z vs. s2k thread and ur just looking for drama posting shit up in his thread but then again im just the kid that jumped in.

Actually, someone else linked me to the thread because they thought it was hilarious. Why would I be upset over some kid who doesnt have a clue commenting on how he thinks I’m wrong in another thread?

danm i wish i could have played… maybe when you guys are in the southtowns more i will (taffy’s)

Aaron knows more about the situation that you do, period. Your own ignorance is about to be exposed, so I wouldn’t really continue if I were you.

BTW, Aaron works with Chris, so in the event of him posting in a thread “that he knows nothing about”, well, they only work together EVERY night for 10 hours.

But, I guess since he only posted on page 4 of a 4 page thread, ignorance would say that. The only ignorance on display now is your own.

Im just going to say this thread is probably dead now…vids are there…Im sure we’ll go again sometime, gotta love spectator drama…from people I dont even know…


I’m working on my vid right now


fantastic…O btw, thanks for filming to both Dave(articzap) and yourself.

btw, the second run I was trying a stupid technique…keeping it in 3rd at 3000 rpms…it didnt work. You can see on the next run after that I started in second with him and pulled 1/4 car and held it to end of my 3rd.

:tup: Keep it alive kev. :headbang:

lol ^

I was just explaining why he tore away from me on second run. Im an idiot for even trying that…and now its on tape!:mad:

Ok, so after the third time my computer crashed on me I decided to just throw this thing together as fast as possible to get it done. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTnBIX3qt9I

You can’t tell much of anything from my vids. I was in the wrong spot at the wrong times. I didn’t want to be to close cause my brakes suck major ass. Sorry I’m such a let down boys.

“A” for effort. not bad tho.
THX :tup:

good job on the video :tup:

I’m picking up some sarcasm with that remark. :wink:

i didnt mean for ne

Its all good