I can somewhat see what your saying. The whole I enjoy a challenge thing…but I think that is waaayyy overrated and often used as an excuse. Like I said to you 11billionty times…its not like when the neon or civic first came out people were like “man those are sweet…I will own one of those one day” They are just everyday cars built for cheap transportation with zero % performance in mind when designing them(excluding SRT4).I say if you are buying a car to have fun with then get a car you actually like first…preferably one that had performance in mind when designing the vehicle. But if taking a car that you and nobody thinks is cool and is not meant to perform and dropping loads of cash into it to make it fast…then getting a huge manboner when you beat a stock f-body or anything that is built to perform somewhat decent…then more power to you I guess…I personally think that frame of mind is quite gay.
But we have had this conversation many times and for some reason you think fast pile of poo are cool…or force yourself to believe that. I know deep down you want to get a nice clean car that is badass to begin with and have fun with it stock and modding it. But at the end of the day I enjoy busting your balls…its all in good fun