07 PAX numbers are out

seems like pretty much every class has gone up

I don’t get it. Why does SM need to go up AGAIN?!

Is there ever a year they don’t jack our pax?

What are you complaining about?

All you have to do is go one event in 2007 and you will beat your PAX from the last three years, combined.

Ok that was so low…

STX barely went up

Blame it on Vic Sias and Bob Tunnell… every year those two M3s go faster and faster. Besides, George Little took top PAX at a couple of events in 2006, so no excuses from the SM guys that your PAX is too tough. At least this year it is now tougher than CSP…

I’m so glad Cashmore decided to move out of ES and start ruining AS’s PAX instead… :wink:

Also, it seems this year that the AM cars didn’t really go as fast as they should have, so everyone else pays for it. :rofl:

SM m3s and or tsi’s or gsx are the way to go.

however, the more and more i plan my future build for a project car, i plan on being DSP. pax is high, but rules allow for lots of improvement and quality racing.

anybody read about nationals in topeka in sp0rtscar? want to make the trip out next year?it looked like a siqq event

An interesting excel sheet with 06 vs 07 pax workup


im just glad ESP had realatively little increase compared to the classes that we normally see.

Keep in mind that PAX only matters realative to who shows up. SM’s pax did jump a good bit though… looks like Andy has another year of chasing :wink:

Glad to see GS and HS get big bumps, along with the damned karts.


looks like Andy has another year of chasing :wink:


That’ll be me he’s chasing :slight_smile:

Yeah, just like all the course workers chasing all your cones :slight_smile:


Yeah, just like all the course workers chasing all your cones :slight_smile:


OOOOHHHHH burned. :lol: Quiet dave stickin it to ya.

Hey now - I have to defend my Cone Killer title somehow.