1/12/06 meet someonwhere awsome weather!

ok today is going to be awsome actually sunny with high of 46 i belive? i’m pulling the vette out of storage for today if anyone wants to get some runs in.
oh and people give suggestions for an exact place to meet up … it was always mighty but i dunno … i’ve been out of the loop

you want my wheels?..i cant meet up work owns me for 14 hours today good luck with the weather

nah the one on there will be good enough for today besides after today it goes right back into storage.

damn mike i was out all day we could have had a killer winter kill story :stuck_out_tongue:

maybe tomorrow if its nice i will be out again, gotta see why my car is throwing a SES light, im pretty sure cause im on the stock program again and the rear o2s are cut off :angel:

i knew people were gonna bring their cars out today… all day today i saw bikes out …great weather for january 12th…im loving it…got to go for a walk and a bike ride today :slight_smile: now im going for a cruise

i was very close to firing up the bike today

I saw quite a few bikes today :tup:

supposed to be nice for the better part of the day tomorrow …then rain in the evening…too bad I’m working all day

eh, maybe ill get to be lunch bitch and take a short mid day cruise :tup:

damnit…i’ll be at work all damn day…i’d love to go cruise

i’ll be out tommarrow moring …
thre on the new HID’s all i can say is HOTT.
pix to come eventually .
i did find out my clutch is REALLY bad even from a roll.
FYI if anyone saw 2 WRX’s and a vette cruzing that was me

whats the win/lose record so far

both WRX’s (the one real deal raced a while back)
some SS wanted to ply on zee highway … during rush hour traffic :bloated: i had to get on the 400 anyway he kept on the 90.

i passed by a older supercharged red truck … looked mean … was going the other way though.

Sprfreak like I said if your out by my work stop in I want to see the car…

i would love to just leave work right now…relax…and just go cruise for a bit. Is that so much to ask…yes it is…cause i am stuck here till 7:30 and i got here 30 min ago

YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY :rant: <---- hehehehe…that’s how i feel