1-22-07 Drifto meet.

That scoobie looks soo pissed off on that bed…

Very pissed off… and going over my paperwork in order to get it released I need a police sign off… tomorrow will be fun.

LOL nice job with the location change…to the left there.

Caught it huh?

Justin smashed into a snow bank, and stayed,

Fuzzy Jumpin to the beat (kinda dark)

fuzzy you were in hamburg and never called me?!?!?!

you suck!

ahh you kids and your drift meets are going to ruin all the popular spots

I have committed a horrible crime by doing such, I forgot all about the e30 hotness rolling in that area. :frowning:

I shall not make such a grievous error again.

Man that was crazy, Now I need to run over to autozone to fix the evo. lol that ductape wont last forever…

and ryan ya that was no problem… nothing I hope some one wouldnt do for me.


The problem was not within the insurance on the Subaru that was fine, the lapse was on a previous vehicle when transferring the plates to the Subaru. So the cop should not have towed my vehicle, but just taken the plates because the problem lied within the plates not the car. (I checked with another PD and the DMV).

So now I’m pretty pissed off about the fact that if I want my plates back itll take 72 hours and 200 dollars. If I say fuck it, I can re-register it to new plates get the car back today and then after the 25 day plate suspension is up I can order them again.

Parentals are trying to re-register it as we speak and if so then I can get my car back today… sigh

Where are the vids people??

I got some pictures I am uploading at the moment…

Everybody lined up

Y not just throw a fiero in the mix…

Some pics of Mike’s Evo…

Ut Oh… drifting sideways through a snowbank = mayhem!!!

But duct tape fixes all… anywho. I might find more to upload here was just a few

thanks for the pic’s…

and congrats on getting the car back… are you still going to michiagan?

Leaving for Michigan in about an hour, debating if I wanna go the shorter route through Canada, or go the route I know through the US but tack on another 1.5 hours…

Anywho: $361 later and new plates I have the suby back

Drive Safe! And go the 1.5 longer way…cause Canadian roads are a pain in the ass to navigate, specially at night…


Yeah… and boring. I want to go that route cuz its only 325 miles compared to the us way of 450-475ish

But I’m also leaving at 10pm tonight so who knows…

Looks like fun ill have to get out of this town sometime and go down there for like a weekend or someshit
so my car can sit on the flatbed

na as long as your shits together (ie, you have insurence, a liecense, registered) then youll be fine. I really dont think cops really care about kids doing donuts in empty parking lots.

But definitly a good time. just watch out for snow banks they eat side skirts.