Count me… Not in probably going to rain both days anyhow
ud b able to get like 12 passes lol, my car will probably break after 3 tho :tup: ill have a truck there to tow my ass home
you’ll probably get more than 12. i doubt 30 cars will show. you will probably be able to get more like 20 runs
what about bikes?, and if so can I bring both a bike and a car or would I have to pay extra, I reallllly dont want to have to just ride the bike down there that would be frigin cold
Last year, I went with the 3S club, and there were maybe 20-30 Stealth’s/3000GT’s in attendance, and my little saturn made 28 runs that day. I could have gone more, but I was getting bored with 16.0 passes. Seriously, I could have got 40-50 runs if I wanted to.
$50 bucks is sooo worth it. Come on guys!!
Count me in 100%. I would like the 14th over the 7th, but both are good for me. Let me know how you want to get the $50.
i have to think about this one , but i may be in
i don’t know about you guys, but i wouldn’t WANT to do 20+ runs in one day lol thats a crapload of stress on the car in a short period of time. whenever i go to the track its 4 maybe 5 runs and thats it for me
In my experience w/track rental events, they’re not worth what u pay & the track isn’t prepped as well as a reg event or tt night :shrug: If u stick to ur original meet of 9-29, you’ll pay $15 bucks, total track prep(which I hear is good on Fri’s), We can race our buddies, some full on race cars will be there to lay down good rubber, so us traction limited street guys can get HOOKED UP, & if u stay till the end of the night, you’ll get 8-10 pass’es
No one’s cancelling the 9/29 T&T night meet.
A number of people were piping up about a rental. This is only intended to organize those people, and others interested, without taking away from the T&T meet. :tup:
Well, that proves that a stock Saturn with over 170,000 miles, can take that sort of insane abuse. I was impressed my engine didn’t explode or clutch blow up. Everything was functioning normally after run #30. Still functioning normally to this day.
Way to go Saturn!
your 100fwhp saturn…theres a diffrence when your car is making a lot more power.
ill come vid tape
i’m so down for this…either day let me know nicolai
okay… 9 votes and they are split 5:4
If these four: CrazyLT1, Nikuk, psphinx81, psychopjv can deal with the 14th, let me know.
I just dont wanna eat the difference if there are only 3 cars there
14th is fine
im still up for the 29th but as for teh rental , its a maybe
even tho id like to do it
14th it is, I’ll call in the a.m.