10/14/06 NYIRP Rental

if the time is right i’ll be down

what happens if the weather dont cooperate with us? what happens then

:tup: :tup:

bump ^^ ???

looks like rain in friday sooo looks like we can count number 3 out

If it rains out, deposit is refunded. If there is another date available, we can have that.

See first post (updated)

k sounds good man

I dont know if my car will be running or not by then but if it is i might go up to intorduce my car to the world.

no traction will = nothing crazy but i’d be interested to see what it car do.

I’ll have to get back to you to see if ill be good to go or not

I am still down, do we have a list of who is for sure and who is on the fence. I am in for sure.

i will be late on the 14th but ill be there, ill probably be there @ 1:30-2

Might be interested in this. I’m renting NYIRP this saturday (just posted a thread about it) but my car isn’t gonna be where I want it (didn’t get on a dyno). Looks like this might be my last chance. Could probably get a couple more cars if you guys needed them.


Any updates?

As of last week: http://www.nyspeed.com/forums/showpost.php?p=323475&postcount=1

What else would You like to know?

Sweet. I’m going. Count me in

Im in still, but dont know if i wanna actually run the truck, Im willing to volunteer with the tree, etc. etc.

I might even offer to chip in some money and buy hotdogs/hamburgers and bring along a grill if people wanna help out with ish like rolls, condiments, chip etc. etc. etc.

im just going to spectate/volunteer to work the track or whatever.

i cant wait till next sat :tup:

few small things are coming in tomorrow, install em this weekend and a quick tune… car will be 100% go

Count me out now. I start my new job on this day :frowning: Sorry

bump for this sat :tup: hopefully the weather works

Oct 14th the track is rented for sure or is this some bullshit post??? If it is true count me in if I don’t go Friday.