10/15/05 Run for Hospice in Rochester

8:45 10 mile road race
8:55 5K Wheelchair division
9:00 5K road race & 2.5 mile fitness walk

If you run, walk, wheelchair, or just want to hang out and eat, come to the race this Saturday! I work for Rochester Orthopedic Labs, Inc., which has been sponsoring the 10 mile road race for the past 3 years. This year I will be assisting the director of the race.

Even if you don’t run, walk or wheelchair, come by to watch the finishers or pay the $5 to eat a TON of food.

If you do run in the race, there are great $ prizes for top finishers!

crappy that i work…or i would run

ill prob get dragged to this lol

OMG it is WAY to early to be up on a Saturday morning. I’m up and off to the race to get ready! whohoo