11/6 TnT at PRP

New best…12.4@110 on pump with the small 16g. :bigok: Left early due to slipping clutch. :weak:

ran about the same… 13.2 @ 108 with a 2.0 60’. time for some mods for next year!!

leave harder & shift that bitch!!!

yeah man, i watched the video… your shifts take forever. good job hitting 11s though… congrats

i was there, had fun. Ran a best of 16.118 (nothing that great considering just about ever car there was faster then me)

I saw a few people from here i think, didnt really bother to say anything b/c i didnt know if anyone cared to shoot the shit with me. But i was there with my friend with the black srt4.

And for some reason on the first run i made, my time slip showed a 13.5 under the car number i was. Anyone out there with a 13 second car have a 16 second time slip. lol

eh, I hit 11.99, still way more left in it

I need to adjust my shifter, or it might be time for a new clutch, if i speed shift, it grinds

what hte fuck was you in? i hope not that gay ass blue grand am with tthe piss on chevy sticker or was you the green grand am with tthe gay ass VW side marker lights

The best I went in my Trans Am was 11.71 with a couple of 1.5 60’s and I ran some new best’s in my wife’s SRT-4 13.13, 13.15 and a 13.22 with a 1.91 60’ being the best 60’.

should have said whats up. we were all standing in the front of the street cars during the slick cars and bikes.

I thought you ran 11.7?


new best on pump gas… 11.93 @ 119.01 thats also my highest trap to date, kinda weird it was on 94 octane :confused:

The green one with the gay ass APC side markers. lol get it right.

What happened to your car on that first run? Why did you get pushed off the track?

and you ran what? your all into the quad 4 hype and cant get good numbers. it must because of yoru side marker lights

it was a lot cooler yesterday than when you ran before…that is probably the reason, or your ignition is having trouble burning the race gas

I ran a 16.118. nothing mind blowing but for the car its good. And what do you consider good numbers?

easy 2.4s hit 15s with average ppl driving them

yea in jbodies, i have a grand am. Most stock 5speed GA’s run a mid to low 16 and jbodies run a low 16 to high 15

I know of one person to ever run a stock GA into the high 15s. And not to mention the other day was the second time ever at the track, last time i was there i ran a 16.3, so i think im getting better.