
9c1ny it looks like you’re not alone:

“Everything that can be invented, has been invented.”
-Charles H. Duell, Commissioner of the US Patent Office

Granted he said that in 1899 shortly before Einstein turned the physical world upside down, Bohr discovered the atom, Fleming discovered Penicillin, even more recently in 1995 Ed Witten unified string theory, which is kind of like Einstein’s theory of relativity on LSD and crack, etc etc etc.

Technologically we’re just getting started.

As for the world ending… It does seem to be getting overpopulated. I think there will be a virus or two that will sweep the globe and reduce the population by some percentage, maybe 30 or 90 or something. Maybe one will be called AIDS? Global warming is set to really fuck us good, but hopefully we’ll run out of oil before we cook the planet. Wars, well, back to Einstein: “I know not with what weapons WWIII will be fought with, but WWIV will be fought with sticks and stones.”

As a Catholic I do believe that judgement day will come, but I can guarantee we won’t see it coming. We’ll fuck ourselves up good first anyhow.

Oh, and I think you’ve got the date wrong. 12/21/2012 is the end of the 13th Baktun of the Mayan calandar. That’s the day when the world will die under a shower of fire and brimstone, or whatever.