
watch 1-12

watch 1-12

watch 1-12

( real whack job)


watch 1-12


ok i have listen to all those videos trough the past couple months, and etc…

2012 to me like i sad just doesn’t add up but here are some of the theory’s

This guy here

David Wilcock

His theory in a nutshell is that we are all spiritual beings that or physical body is just some sort of “vessel” and on 2012, if we don’t follow his set of 10 commands we will remain here on Earth while it turns to shit. And the ones who do will evolve into a new spiritual being in a different dimension. ( uhhh yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaa)

Many others think that when all the planets align together that the sun is going to cast off some major flare and burn on.

Others believe that all people are going to turn mad and start killing each other.

I mean there is so much bullshit out there about this subject.