the world already ended once on 12/12/0012 and also 12/12/1012 … and it really ended bad back on 12/12/1212 …
and also on 1/1/1111 … but thats a different story … 2/2/2222 is gonna be really fucked up (if you need to know who the world comes back from the Apocalypse, go watch the documentary about it - “the Matrix”)
and oh yea, only people who use the mm/dd/yy format will die, people who use the mm/dd/yyyy format will survive because the date is instead 12/12/2012 … and that date isnt jinxed because its got that extra “20” in there
also, any people who use a totaly different calander system will survive, only people who use the gregorian calander system will be part of the apocalypse
god some people are realy fucking retarded … is this realy worth a thread ?