
The thing that is going to kill me are these GAS prices and feeding my V8 truck. Supposedly $4.00 a gallon in the next 2 weeks…yikes :ohnoes:


The thing that is going to kill me are these GAS prices and feeding my V8 truck. Supposedly $4.00 a gallon in the next 2 weeks…yikes :ohnoes:



get busy livin, or get busy dyin

/siq movie

im scared of death but i suppose as long as were all going to die together that will be fine because i want to be reincarnated as a squirrel and maybe some of you guys will be nuts and i can then eat you

Are you trying to hit on us?


No need to wait til youre a squirrel, you can eat our nuts right now :thankyou:

Thank you, thank you. Ill be here all week. http://www.ls2.com/forums/images-2/smilies/rimshot.gif


No need to wait til youre a squirrel, you can eat our nuts right now :thankyou:

Thank you, thank you. Ill be here all week.




No need to wait til youre a squirrel, you can eat our nuts right now :thankyou:

Thank you, thank you. Ill be here all week.


Best post in the thread. Well, that and Gus being pissed about those religious cults, the Mayans and the Aztecs. That one still has me dumbfounded.

I’m going to laugh when the end of the world turns out to be the dawning of the age of Aquarius. Boy did you have that one wrong. :biglol:

I’m going to take advantage of this date, but move it up to 11/9/2007, and convince a bunch of chicks to come back to my place tonight and blast REM’s “Its the end of the world”

Then tomorrow morning they can all make me fuckin pancakes.

Another time for people to believe that the “raptures” are going to come down from the heavens and wipe the earth of all humanity.

I don’t believe this stuff, we create our own destiny, if the human race as a whole is to destroy itself, fine then, let the self-destruction unfold, but as for an ultimate being having control? I don’t think so.


I’m going to take advantage of this date, but move it up to 11/9/2007, and convince a bunch of chicks to come back to my place tonight and blast REM’s “Its the end of the world”

Then tomorrow morning they can all make me fuckin pancakes.


You my sir…have an amazing idea there.


Another time for people to believe that the “raptures” are going to come down from the heavens and wipe the earth of all humanity.

I don’t believe this stuff, we create our own destiny, if the human race as a whole is to destroy itself, fine then, let the self-destruction unfold, but as for an ultimate being having control? I don’t think so.


You must live a pretty meaningless and empty life…good luck with that

No, I’m atheist. I just don’t think there is a point to mass hysteria over a simple date.

i think the date is off a couple of years

12/12/07 is when the world will actually break out into war.


1/2 the world that believes the plane will take off vs the other 1/2 who dont think so.

ok so in that link posted about the may 2000 alignment… why is there nothing about another alignment for 2012?? wasn’t that “evidence” for all of us burning to death that day or sumthing? lol


mr. titor doesnt say anything about this
and hes a real time traveler

Bump for more 2012 disaster


The mayans believed it was just the renewal of their calendar, not the end of the world.

Some more interesting stuff is almost-apocalyptic events in the past.

On March 23, 1989 the 300 meter (1,000-foot) diameter Apollo asteroid 4581 Asclepius (1989 FC) missed the Earth by 700,000 kilometers (400,000 miles) passing through the exact position where the Earth was only 6 hours before. If the asteroid had impacted it would have created the largest explosion in recorded history, thousands of times more powerful than the Tsar Bomba. It attracted widespread attention as early calculations had its passage being as close as 40,000 miles from the Earth, with large uncertainties that allowed for the possibility of it striking the Earth.[24]

Cliffs: earth almost destroyed; six hour gap saves us