I think it should also be known that there was flat shifting enabled on that ecu…
LOL…Fuck you suck at life, driving, shifting, posting threads, owning a car, spending $, drag racing, being a human being, and I am sure you are a fggt.
You shifts are slower than dial up.
Quit your fucking bitching you dumb mother fucker and go learn to drive your car.
Uhhhh man…did you feel it studdering…uhhh what the fuck do you think will happen when you fall so far out of boost your are in vacuum between shifts.
Pay someone who can drive 100 bux to post a good run and then go kill yourself.
I’m normally very reserved and keep my mouth shut, but since you’re going out of your way to bash us and slander our business in multiple threads…we’ve had tons customers run 12.5 with downpipe and a fuel pump (400 bucks) plus a tune. A few bolt ons and meth and jason’s sti almost ran an 11 on the stock turbo. My car and build combined cost less than your car OR your build and I ran low 10s in my Subaru.
I could hand you the keys to a standard shift Ferrari and you’d probably run 14s. You make more power on our dyno than an sti that runs low 11s and you couldn’t even run a high 11. That’s what’s embarassing…your driving.
I would have gladly taken he car down the track for you to show you how it’s done but you never asked. I don’t bring that up to customers because most of them are just out to drive their cars and enjoy them. They don’t need a shop owner telling them they’re going to teach them how to drive.
And here ya go superloudfail…incase you missed it the first time in your other train wreck of a thread
HAHAHA…Nice custom title fggt.
It’s called a secondary rev limiter. It’s used to flat shift the car. Instead of tapping the clutch as you stay on the gas and shift quickly, he sits there on the clutch pedal so long that the car starts bouncing off the limiter. You can hear it clear as day in his video. He asked me to turn thiS feature on but clearly doesn’t know how to drive with it on even though I explained it multiple times. Instead of asking me to turn off the clutch enabled limiter for shifting,which involves me unchecking a single box, he is using it as an excuse for extremely poor driving.
I never expect a customer to run time x or I’ll be upset with them. I was very supportive an told chris that he simply needed more practice, despite him making us look bad because he was making the car go so slow. Now he’s gone way over the line and attacked us instead of simply sucking up a few people bagging on his driving. Grow up.
What a cunty thread. Thread starter, you’re an asshole.
you know… take your spare wheels and seperate the tires from them… throw some mickeys on em and go to town…
what were your 60’s like?
wow, how come this thread isnt locked, its pretty obvious this is business slander
im pretty sure emery had the other one locked with the quickness after embarassing himself
well everyone besides the original poster can figure out whats really going on here… just wanted to give him something to read before it got shut down
mike/innovative is clearly NOT the problem!