14 Days till Opening Day @ HV!!!

yes still snowing :confused:

Yeah, and they are making it as fast as they can I am sure. The wetbulb temp is probably just below the freeze point.

FUCK YEA!!! Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow…:carnut:carnut:carnut

28 inches of snow in the last day

packed down, that 28 turns into like 4 of base

at least it might be a decent base, there was some wet snow mixed with ice and then alot of very heavy, but fluffy snow. hopefully i will be going next monday.

True, but repeat that every-day for the next 2 weeks… and you have some seriously good conditions for opening day…

how are you getting on? They don’t open until the day after thanksgiving. Are you patrol or something?

That’s what I’m thinking… There’s already marks from boards/skis on the webcams… and posts about riding down the hill… Damn employee benefits… Wish I lived closer…

I will be hiking it tonight…

last years opening day was about 2 weeks after their planned opening. They always schedule for the day after thanksgiving.

no im not patrol, i meant the monday after thanksgiving. i keep thinking thanksgiving is next week. but hiking it does sound fun.

iv got a set of snowshoes that i got when my uncle passed away, they would totally work to get to the top in record time.

these are what they look like, i plan to use them for whiteface this year. i want to get some good powder footage.


Went out for a little hike

The fresh snow was actually too heavy and deep to ski, They ran a cat over yodeler so that was much better.

very nice!

Yea, I saw the Cat trails on Yodler last night… they said on their website they’re packing a few slopes, but not too many to still let the ground freeze because it’s still pretty warm underneath.

wow they got a lot of snow.

i just think there will be to much mud under it all they may open a few for opening day

I remember locals opening with only a foot of snow but HV was being sketchy last night on the news.
You can’t open with 31" of snow?!?
They stay open in Feb with almost no snow.
They are probably calling people trying to get them to work. lol

They are doing what smart mountain managers do, delay opening just to make a couple days of sales and try to build a thick base so they can open and stay open for the season and not have to close and reopen later on. They are most likely building on this powder with man made snow to try to get a really nice base build up to make it last.

From the webcams and their website you’re incorrect…

They’re packing a bunch of the hills so the ground can freeze; you don’t want to add snow until the base/ground is frozen or it just takes longer for the ground to freeze because the thick snow is actually an insulator and keeps the ground from freezing.

I’m thinking they’re trying to see how the ground is going to freeze before they start adding more snow to the hills.

We may see an early opening, but who knows… I’m not counting on it. It does look like there should be a good base in place for this year though… that’s for sure.

This just in: HiV Thursday!!!