14 Days till Opening Day @ HV!!!

According to their website, they’re going to start making next week; and opening day is Black Friday :D:D:D:carnut

Has it been cold enough to make snow up in NY?

i might go on jan 12th !

I hope they dont open until December. Im not ready to start skiing yet.

I wouldn’t hold your breath.

Yeah… this is the first year im not that excited for snowboarding. Ill probably make it a few times but its not at the top of my list of things to do.

they will not open then… im thinking second week of dec or 3ed week

chances are very slim that they will open. when was the last year they opened on the day they said!

My new skis aren’t in yet so they can’t open.

Last year I believe… I have a $4 lift ticket from opening day…

I dont feel like saving lives yet. Ya they hardly ever have good skiing before Christmas. But when they do get a good storm before the place is usually empty so thats good for me. End to end of the resort with no traffic.

im pretty sure it was last year. i know because i went on opening day when they only charged like 4 dollars or something.

Just like most Monday/Tuesday nights? Those are the times I went the most last year, and it was always DEAD; which made for nights of unbelievable riding.

seriously, i thought they opened mid dec. because of how shitty the weather was

They were open every day, but it was only like 3 slopes, and it was pretty crappy… But they opened the day they planned and for the first hour they were open it was $4 for a 8 hour pass.

the first day they opened was the best, i made it there within the first hour to get my pass for 4 bucks. the place was mobbed, but cleared out after a while.

are they doing this again for opening day? i remember it was def worth the money!

I don’t believe so, as the $4 thing was because it was the 50th anniversary of Holiday Valley (Also the gold 50th chairs on the lifts); so they rolled the ticket prices back to what it was 50 years ago.

oh damn well i might still go anyways, its always a good time on opening day.

ahh yes, sorry i do remember that day for sure. traffic sucked, and i had someone buy the ticket so i wouldnt miss out. lol

they have 28" of fresh snow as of today and its still snowing according to the website!!!