140mph Police Chase on Niagara Falls Blvd

thats what I was thinking…Even where it somewhat calms down in the Wheatfield/ Niagara Falls area…seems to busy to be going 100+

Nice. Still waiting for that post.

5-9 and 260lbs and they couldn’t chase this guy down once he ditched the car? can he run a 4.5 40 or something?

It really is a good story. I’ll be happy for him when it’s all over and he can tell it.

see only the slow cars get caught. and yes 140 down the blvd is possible

certainly pushing boundaries though in a stock car

Damn I was on my bike at that time and crossed the Blvd twice during the trip. Scary stuff man. I bet he would have kept on going, with only a glance at his rear view.

A lot of cars are limited at 155 and that’s in part to their tire rating…also I’m sure my car could hit 140 in that area and its not very fast

I heard he jumped off a Grand Island bridge and swam over the falls and through the whirlpool rapids and is now in Canada eating pemeal bacon.

the sheriff this morning on the news said that the patrol cars were simply not fast enough to keep up with the HEMI

lol hahahahahaha

they’re just saying that so they can get Hemi Chargers as well

The chase started on Shawnee Road. You can get to 140 no problem there. It’s a long straight road. Until you come to the blvd. That wooded area near Ohio school isn’t that large. I shouldn’t have been hard for them to find him, but then again, you can get skip through back yards then back into the woods again once you cross ruie and continue this process for a few miles. If they haven’t caught him by now, they won’t.

well, they should have some kind of nice chase vehicle.

I wonder how many of the cops heard, “I’m in pursuit of an orange Dodge Charger” and just dismissed it as some cop being a smart ass. “Roger that, better be careful because I heard the old Smith crossing bridge is out and Boss Hog is going to be pissed if you put that squad car in the creek”. Probably why the guy got away. :slight_smile:

Im pretty sure that when a pursuit reaches a certain speed they are required to back off for fear of harming the general public more.

My thoughts exactly. Thats alot of weight to throw around being only 5’9. The police probably had the old chubby guys on staff when this happened.

And he’s caught.


Domin was spotted near the parking lot but had about a 75-foot head start over Deputy Lisa Oliveri and refused a command to stop, Preisch said.

Well THERE’S your problem. :slight_smile: /sexism

They probably had to call off the pursuit before Rosco P Coltrane crashed into the river.


This guy ain’t got shit on Bucky.