143 days

http://www.mdbiodiesel.com/ The people that own this also do pool water delivery so I’ve spoken with their guys quite a bit. They are fucking PWNING with biodiesel right now. Selling it as fast as they make it. They are going to be tripling capacity. Not only do they use a material that normally gets thrown away and turns it into energy, but I had several drivers tell me that they used to have trucks that ran like shit. bad emissions, rough starting, etc. After they ran two tanks of B100 through it, it ran like it was brand new. Only problem they had was that the trucks were breaking down after switching to Biodiesel, cause it was cleaning out the tank and lines so good that it would clog the fuel filter after about 30 minutes of operation. If we could just work on getting the commercial fleet switched over to Biodiesel, we’d be doing a HUGE benefit to the economy. It must be so cool to be able to pull up to their station and fill up, knowing you’re getting a superior product for cheaper, knowing that it keeps crap out of landfills, burns way cleaner than normal, and that the money you are paying stays local… going to local farmers who supply the product, the local workers that make the biodiesel on site, local truck drivers who distribute the raw and finished materials, and the people that work for the company itself. All 100% local. Not a single penny goes to some giant corporation and foreign government. :bowdown: