143 days

I love when people read what is not written. just listen to what i wrote and not what you think i want or am suggesting.

I never said to do away with welfare.

i never said that i’m against taxation… i’m just saying that it should be ‘fair’ and based off of income, not just targeting successful people to cough up their money. everyone is so quick to say that republicans favor the rich, why isn’t the argument made that democrats favor the poor? it just seems unamerican to penalize some to favor others.

I don’t need to know anyone on welfare to understand the dynamic… just because you know someone you feel that your opinion or outlook is more valid? if that’s true, why are you voting for people (year after year) whom never have been on said programs?

also, why didn’t you just man up and help your relative… that’s an AMERICAN VALUE to give or die for your family. I feel that most republicans (and many others) feel that family values are one of the, if not most, important american morals and ethics that we hold. It’s no solution to a mass population issue… but why sit back and wait for the government then bitch about it after it served you?