15lb Lightweight battery

I had the bright idea of buying a lightweight battery and replacing my 54lb battery with it

Well, in combination with my muffler removal, and this lightweight battery, theres less weight on the rear tires and now traction has become an issue at almost any speed.

Ergo, I am willing to sell it. Heres a link to where i got it


Its a nice battery, I bought the car terminals too.

Cost me $80 in the long run, about half the price of a similarly spec’d Braille battery.

Im going to let it go for $75, or Ill keep it strictly for track use and hope the track prep helps my issue.

final bump

Does this mean you never let your gas tank get below half? That would have a greater affect on weight than doing this battery swap.

Let me check my funds and I will get back to you.I want it

I’ll give you $50 cause it says $59.99 on the site… Let me know if you want to meet up?

pm sent

I’d like to put this in the m3. Call me if no one buys it, Scott.

No longer needed!


ill take it, where are you located, and will you be around tomarrow or saturday?