Hey guys
ck this out
a bigger PS3 with a possible 160Gig HD!!!
Hey guys
ck this out
a bigger PS3 with a possible 160Gig HD!!!
whats the point?
uhhh…more space
waste of $$ unless your using your ps3 as an expensive jukebox. by the time you’ll actually fill up that HD w/game saves and downloadable content, the next playstation will be out, and you’ll be dropping $600 - $800 if not more on that, because it’ll have a 500GB or maybe even a 1TB HD, w/whatever new format they decide to come out w/to replace BluRay and HD DVD.
you’d think people would have learned from the past when sony put out the 40GB HD for the PS2 for the 5 games that supported it. funny thing is, now you can use a usb memory stick and once it recognizes that configure an external HD (both PS2 and PS3). haha
uhhh… this new version is going to be the same price as the current 80gb… try again
if you took the time to actually read what i wrote you would have noticed that i wasnt talked about the ps3. what i said was:
by the time you’ll actually fill up that HD w/game saves and downloadable content, the next playstation will be out, and you’ll be dropping $600 - $800 if not more …never said the ps3 would be more.
either way, its still a waste of money.
160gb isn’t that hard to fill in this day and age. with the ability to buy old games and save to harddrive, I can see this being very possible.
ps3 is suppose to stay out for at least 7 years… def NOT a waste of money
let me guess, you’re a 360 fan?
160GB is alot harder to fill on a game console then a computer. even if your ripping games to the HD, and playing w/downloadable content (which cost you even more money, and is rarely worth it) to fill 160GB will definitely take a good amount of time. i just see it being a waste of money. especially now that there are ways to modify the system w/a usb memory stick so you can modify the bootloader, and allow for an external HD to be attached and used.
as for the ps3 being around for atleast 7 years…it definitely will be, but the ps4 or whatever they decide to call it could also be out in that timeframe. sony has already started development on the next console. there was some talk about it on gizmodo, or maybe it was engadget just a few days ago. and im sure microsoft has been working on the next xbox console as well.
and nope, not a 360 fan. i own a ps2. the only good thing id say about the 360 is that right now the system has a better game library then the ps3. but the ps3 will eventually catch up once developers actually figure out what there doing, and what the ps3 is capable of. the developers kit (which ive seen in person and in use) is ridiculous!
well maybe I should have said that it’s not that hard to fill 80gbs since thats the biggest ps3 currently, which will justify getting the bigger one. I’d rather spend the $500 on the 160gb in a month or so rather spend the same on the 80gb now and then spend more to upgrade in the future.
and I fully agree with your last two paragraphs.
im with john and code blue on this one. HUGE waste of money. a 100meg drive is MORE than plenty for save games and crap. its not a pc so ur not downloading mods, patches and updates for ur games. all other space is useless. you all have portable mp3 players anyways, so why spend the money?
if u wana throw away money, ill be walking about with a collection bin, put it there
not to mention that you just connect it to your wireless network and can share mp3’s etc off your network.
You guys are aware that hdd in ps3 is user-swappable, right?
Besides, the new SKU, whatever the hell it’s gonna be, will most likely not have backwards compatibility with ps2 games since sony is phasing it out.
40gb doesn’t have it and rumor has it that neither will the 80gb’s replacement.
its not a pc so ur not downloading mods, patches and updates for ur games. all other space is useless.
uhhhh… ya you are. Updated rosters for sports games, expansion packs for existing games (new tracks, new maps, new songs…ie: ghIII). Not to mention all the free demos that you can downloand AND all the games that you can purchase from the online store that ALSO get saved to your HD. I’m pretty sure you will be able to DL movies to the HD as well.
if the current 80GB ps3 isn’t a waste of money and the new 160GB will be the same price… how the F can that be a waste of money?
its silly. they keep calling them consoles but theyre not anymore. they stopped being consoles at ps1, the rest are just computers in a small case
so how is it a waste of money? It costs Sony more to make a ps3 than it does for us to buy it. They don’t make money on the sale of the hardware, they make their money on the games.
AND the new 160gb version will have the new dual shock 3 controllers… wooooo!
so how is it a waste of money? It costs Sony more to make a ps3 than it does for us to buy it. They don’t make money on the sale of the hardware, they make their money on the games.
At first it did. Sony is finally starting to make some money on the systems now though. Still no where close to being out of the red though.
on a side note, there putting in a new bluray drive in all ps3’s made after sometime mid-feb which is said to save them some money, so a price drop in the system may not be to far off. probably late summer / early fall
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