ps3 40 vs 80gb or ?

Figured it might be time to pick one up. I noticed that Best Buy doesn’t have the 80gb on its website anymore. Backwards compatibility with ps2 games doesn’t matter to me as I got rid of my ps2 stuff a while ago. They’ve already had a bunch of versions out, does anyone know if they are changing their offerings again soon?

they’re coming out with a larger one, either 120 or 160gb, just released some info this week. I’d wait to see whats coming.

Mole: 80GB PS3 dead, 120-160GB with Dual Shock 3 incoming
By Ben Kuchera | Published: January 27, 2008 - 10:45PM CT

Our inside source of all things video gaming has been right almost every time it comes out of the shadows to give us information, so I’m going to dispense with the back story. Wherever his or her information is coming from, it’s usually solid. After I spoke to Sony about the possible discontinuation of the 80GB PS3 model, I lit the mole-signal.

Working late into the night on Saturday, I heard a noise behind me. For both of our safety, I didn’t turn around. “You’ve talked to Sony,” the mole said in a gravelly whisper. “Tell me what they told you.”

I repeated the information we reported on Friday: Sony is sticking to a two-model approach at retail, but the company won’t comment on whether or not the other model would be the 80GB system. The 40GB system seems safe. I asked the mole what information he had.

“Sony is, in fact, phasing out the 80GB PS3. Sony is going to stay with the two-SKU approach though, and the prices look to stay the same,” the mole told me. I heard sirens in the background, and the mole seemed nervous. “The Spiderman 3 pack-in will disappear as well once the 80GB unit is gone. In order to maintain a similar value proposition to the 80GB/Spiderman 3 bundle, I expect to see a storage increase to 120 or 160GB at the same price point, plus the new Dual-Shock 3 controller… what are you trying to accomplish with this story?”

“I’m just trying to get to the bottom of Sony’s plans for their hardware so my readers can decide whether or not they should buy now, or hold off. But I’m only one man,” I say.

“Now we’re two,” the mole whispers, and when I look around in surprise… my informant was already gone.

Nothing definite has been released about it yet, but if you’re not desperate to buy right now it might be worth it to wait a bit.


i wish i would have gotten backwards compatibility to be honest. plus theres a couple other things the 40gb cant do the 80 can (sd cards, and i think there were a couple other things)

I have the 60g and from what I hear its nothing to swap out the HD in the future for a bigger one. I’m not a 1337 H4X3R though.

Ya, i heard HD swapping is cake too. Im sure youd be able to pick up a bigger ps3 HD on ebay eventually. I just bought an 80gb with warhawk for $400. Look for a 60gb or 80gb on craigs/ebay. Buy it for a good price, and dont look back. Id skip over the 40gb personally. I guess they have less usb ports too? also the sd card reader not being there. (i think, dont quote me on that)

I’d way for the inclusion of the dualshock and the larger HD.

The 60Gb version is definately worth it all my old PS1 games fire right up. Check ebay for a deal!!!


when they start making a 60gb??? I though it was 40 or 80?

originally was 20gb and 60gb, then both were discontinued and they made 40gb and 80gb.

maybe this will help you

yeah I’ve seen the wiki chart, but was more concerned about what was coming out next. Thanks everyone.

Is the dualshock controller just a difference in controllers, or is there a hardware/software difference on the console itself also? As for the HD size, thats not really a concern either way.

the only hardware difference is wi-fi capability(which is slow as balls anyways), and the 20GBs and 60Gbs have an emotion engine chip in them that runs the old PS2/1 games while the 80s use emulation(less compatibility at the moment)

as for card readers, you can just use a USB drive for everything or just stream your media with TVersity, as for USB slots, i have never used more than 2 at the same time, 95% of the time not even one is used

The dualshocks controllers were implemented in their 2.0 update, and are not out in the US yet but can be imported easily, but they have less battery life if you have vibrate on of course.

Since you dont care about backwards compatibilty, i would say get the 40 as it seems to fit you best and is $100 cheaper

if you feel like opening a credit card you can get the 40gb for $299