19 yearold kills friend, showing off in his Mustang GT in Fulton County

Wait the priest called people retards?


annd "“we all have droving like assholes sometime in our lives, and we have all droving over the speed limit a few times”

:rofl :rofl

You are sooo far in left field. All the “harrassment” is getting directed to the people, like you, NOT justin, now! becasue of what I just highlighted! Re-read that to yourself, do you see what is going on?

YES, the only thing you said that was close (after I interpreted it again a few times to understand it) was the part about everyone makes mistakes, pays for it and accepts them as accidents when they were not intentional! HOLY FUCKING SHIT we all understood that from day fucking one!

What we have all been arguing about is the idiocracy revolving around the demeanor and way you people think you are “supporting” Justin!!!

I left my full name, I am not ashamed of what I have been saying her or anywhere. Fuck, go a head and pull my driving abstract. I had at one point 6 points on my lic for speeding, and other shit. Guess what I PAID FOR MY MISTAKES. They were 80’s in a 65 on the way to work, with the flow of traffic, etc. NOT WRECKLESS DRIVING. If I crash into someone and hurt of god forbid kill someone, I ACCEPT THE FACT THAT I AM FUCKED FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. I dont expect people to bail me out what so ever. Thats called being responsible. Thats also what you sign when you get your damn license!

Go a head and print it out, I made no threats or anything remotely conceived as such to ANY OF YOU. Its called SOCIAL MEDIA for a reason. Once it published somewhere its free game so to speak, until it crosses the line and causes harm, physical altercation, etc.

Hell for all you know “Mike Wood” or KrazyKid could be making this all up and life in Africa! LOL

you are out of your mind.