19 yearold kills friend, showing off in his Mustang GT in Fulton County


your from G-ville, do you know this chode?

Pitman. We cant fix stupid. If you dont want your kid in this kids shoes, or the passanger’s shoes… you have to be the better parent, which I am sure you are to begin with. Point is, alot of us were lucky to be brought up well enough to undestand the great risk we all take “playing around” in our cars, many cars WAY more dangerous that a stock mustang gt, yet we do it in such a controlled way that the risk is greatly minimized. The moron kid straight up forgot how long the road was, and ran out of room to stop after he ricer fly-by’d his friend. I hit the speeds this moron hit there just about every day dicking around on my way to work and home… but I do it for short distances, and know the roads, conditions, traffic, etc around me like the back of my hand. unless a tire blows out or something crazy happens, I am %99 sure there isnt a risk.

When your kids are old enough to drive. only you will have anyidea how to keep your kid safe. The world we live in sucks man… all you can do is save yourself. :banghead