19 yearold kills friend, showing off in his Mustang GT in Fulton County

Wow it hurts to read what that idiot writes, what are they 12?

I guessed no older than 19, and he said “older than I think” so maybe twenties???

If that’s the case, flipping burgers is all he will be doing… With English skills like that I wouldn’t even let him answer the drive up! :ROFL

Leave it for what it is. Why worry or even take a second look. He was young as we all were once. Did stupid stuff like we all have and now lost a friend and has to live with it. This should just be a rip for the one lost and a hope the world for the girl in critical condition. Nothing you say or do to that facebook page or starting another will change any of this. Nor will it keep kids from driving in or out of control. Everyone learns at some point im sure this kids world just ended regardless of what shift thinks or feels. Look at that KK post I just created over this interweb page know as shift 518.

Death is never a good thing on matter who’s at fault.

One reason I strongly promote all legal means of going fast (or slow like autox :rofl), away from the public.

I’m pretty sure that Mustang was DREAD’s old mustang.

one reason judges and juries should start using more common sense instead of looking for crossed T’s and dotted I’s. Sure some “innocent” people might get sent away, but MORE guilty people who might have walked wont be! And you might lessen the chances of a wrongful conviction if you don’t life like a piece of shit and risk even remotely getting involved in crimes.

Unfortunately for this kid, its rather cut and dry. He was driving, he killed someone. I dont care if it was the hand of god that falcon punched the side of his car and he lost control. “HE LOST CONTROL”

Not all that cut and dry. He wasnt drunk or impaired, he was just stupid and that’s usually looked over.

Plenty of bikers are killed every year for people disobeying basis traffic laws or not paying attention and get a way with nothing more than a ticket.

The kid’s story would be plausible if HE DIDN’T FUCKING PLOW INTO THE FAR END OF A THREE WAY INTERSECTION :rofl

Obviously he just had no idea how long it would take to stop at WHATEVER speed he was travelling.

Also, the initial cops report on the speed seems to usually be exaggerated. I hit a parked car and the cops tried writing me a ticket for speeding based on how much the car moved. I was doing maybe 15mph, but the Jeep GC I was in moved the parked Chevy Malibu a solid 10 feet. This hick dumbass mechanicville cop basically said he worked out the math and I must have been going ‘at least’ 40mph :rofl and that he had a witness saying I blew the stop sign as well.

Guess what? Walked away with no ticket.


this guy is friends of a friend of a relative’s friend, lets please show some respect people before i smash peoples face’s!


this is a threat, ban him for eleventy billion days

oh not this shit again

Nah he’s going to pay 1 gazzilion dollars as a sponsor in 20 years so he has immunity.


on a serious note: RIP to all of those involved. shitty thing to happen to anyone, even worse right in the middle of the holiday season.

I just had a good chat with the kids girlfriend. After a “you need to stop running your fucking mouth” it ended on a good note I guess. I wont be posting that convo here, becasue it was actually heartfelt and intelligent, unlike the other guy, out of respect to her. Somehow I think i got my real point across to her, and hopefully it goes farther.

Its the same damn point I have been making all along here… and people brush it off. Think before your actions, and respect people every moment you are alive. And most importantly RESPECT YOURSELF, with making good life choices no matter how minor they may seem at the moment.

i heard a rumor that your charge more than sites like ar15.com and google. is that true?

You’re such a buzz kill

My life on weekends


Sorry Steve. :cry:

Its just that its nice to see someone in such a situation at-least attempt to listen to the other side of the argument. If she/they believe in it too and take something from it, it’s in their hands now. From talking to her, they seem like good people, people like some of us here, that got the shit end of the “I hope nothing goes wrong” stick.

None of you know him and are all going by the news please stop bashing him.Can i ask how you know it was him in amsterdam if you dont even know him.You just want to talk shit to get shit started so others will bash him.You do know that there is alot of those cars out there but o he is the one who crashed so it must of been him come on now.Tell me do you know him NO.Please he has alot going on now he dont know what went on that day All the others that was there are telling him to go with what they are saying humm yes because the have done this before and have cause others to die because of this.PLEASE noone knows what really went on that day and we wont know intill the cops are done doing what they need to do so till then like i said please stop talking this crap.