19 yearold kills friend, showing off in his Mustang GT in Fulton County

If you have green thumbs then John was eating peas earlier.

Skidmark, in case you were wondering…GD3 said Pinto because they were known to explode when hit (just right). Your rebuttal and subsequent posts were as dumb as ever. How deep is your hole now? Ain’t no way you will EVER get a pass on this forum.

im aware of the Pinto’s “FLAME ON” problem. i said Samurai because they roll over under any kind of hard cornering.

lol…green poo, i just got that



missed this one


hes in jail now. notice at the bottom is said there was a fight between the families. classy.

Why a verbal altercation? I thought they came on here and said both sides were all buddy buddy and nobody’s pointing fingers, nobody’s pressing chargers, nobody’s going to jail???

LOL That entire thing from their side is the epitome of IGNORANCE in this day in age. Glad to see reality fully bitchslapped the ignorant thinking out of their mouths and respect and the law isnt anything to fuck with. I wish more of society will take note PRIOR to fucking up like these people did.

from the victim’s mother:

“I don’t understand how you can just continue on like you’ve done nothing wrong, while my life and my entire family’s lives will never be the same,” said Kelsey Insogna in her victim impact statement.

Assuming that in the last 10 months she based that on his actions; demeanor, verbal statments, etc… that that kid somehow still thought it wasnt his fault and he shouldnt be held as accountable as he is now. (which 2 years in jail for this is fucking bullshit too)

man I wish the “real” story from that kid in the last 10 months could be made public.

I might be able to help with that KK. Im friends with his girlfriend on facebook. Lots of pictures of them having fun this summer.

and I mean I can sort of understand that life doesnt come to a never ending complete hault… even though it did for the kid that got killed and the poor sister that is crippled now. But i can tell you I would be one mopey head looking at the ground guy for a long ass time if I was in his shoes.

A picture is worth a thousand words… thats why something in words or face to face / video would shed a little more light on his level of regret and acceptance of his mistake.

looks like he got a new truck over the summer too.

what a fuck if thats the case. EVEN if he didnt go to jail, his license was probably going to be suspended.

New truck is probably a usefull purchase… not to mention if its bank owned its hard to work for and make payments for it from jail.

Worked out something with the financing company to pay in toilet wine and cigs.

Imagine if this kid had gotten his hands on a Gixxer… OMG

maybe he’d only have killed himself then. darn.

we are all surrounded by stupid drivers. people need to be taught at a young age a car is fun but at the same time deadly. cars require respect. so if we all understand to keep the daily driving on the street and the racing/enthustic driving to closed roads or race tracks we should have better drivers like germany.

if you teach kids to drive smart on the road and respect the way the world works they should understand that speeding on a public road isnt the smartest thing. they should understand that a car is more than a toy. also a life is valuable. its the most expensive thing anybody owns.

i know you know atleast one driver that drinks then drives…be the person to tell him not to drive and you could save lives. be the guy that tells kids speeding is fun but dangerous. be aware at all times. driving should be taught to kids instead of some crazy theory. driving is real

Thank u captain obv !!!


We haven’t had a good epic thread in awhile