190 fatality, GI Tow truck operator (4/2/08)

Thats terrible, I dont doubt the girl will be ok eventually but its sad that little boy wont ever get to know his father.

Kevin was a good dude and was a good customer of mine. And from everything I heard he had done everything right as far as being over 4 feet off the side of the road, lights flashing, and had all his reflective gear on. He will be missed by alotta people!! RIP


No law, regardless of the severity of penalty, will stop an alcoholic. Alcoholism is a VERY serious illness and those afflicted will go to great lengths to maintain their addiction. That is not to say all drunk drivers are alcoholics, but I would imagine a large percentage of the problem are.

even if you take alcohol out of the picture in this case the guy is still a douce bag. After spending 14 hours at the casino with or with out drinking he shouldnt have gotten behind the wheel.

loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser

+1 driving tired is worse than driving drunk to a degree.