1991 Nissan 240sx

Make/Model: 1991 240sx hatch
Asking Price: $ 1000(OBO)
Condition: Used
Mileage: 247,000KM
Location: Mississauga
Contact Info: Send PM for contact details and to schedule a meet

The good:

  • good condition solid frame
  • solid rockers with no rust
  • solid floors
  • wingless hatch with no rust
  • VLSD
  • A/C
  • DOHC
  • 5 speed

The bad:

  • car will need to be towed due to a charging problem (either alternator or battery)

Would you be willing to part some parts, or let it go for much cheaper due to the towing from missasaga t oshawa

How much cheaper?

Is it able to be bump started? Add me Boosted180@hotmail.com

after boosting the car it starts fine. the battery just isn’t getting charged.

pending sale, will update if the car isn’t picked up.

A deposit has been left and the car is pretty much sold.

Will update if the deal falls through.

if it falls through im intrested, so pm me

hey i live in oshawa, will you take $750 if i come get it asap

Deposit has been left???

Im picking it up this weekend.

Went out to see him, told him I would buy it arranged towing and payment for monday, was told that its all mine and its good to go, then recieved a text message saying it was sold to someone else and they have taken it, very nice to know honest sellers still exist :S really big let down and very dissappointed.

After holding the car for two people (including one that left a deposit), I decided it was time to sell to the first person to bring me cash and take her off my hands. Sorry Steve but you didn’t even leave a deposit and the other guy paid and picked up right away. I really hope that you find another clean 240; that shouldn’t be too hard. Good luck.

Anyways, car is gone. Please lock.