1993 Nissan 240SX, Ultra Low Mileage, 2 Owner. DOCUMENTED. ULTRA CLEAN

Bump for DIlron! Good luck with sale. Car is clean as fuck

good job answering my question, obv you have no clue how many km are on the car, just that its 120 or under

BTW you shit on threads all the time,

PS, nice contact info. way to make a proper FS thread

purestock is butthurt /endthread


haters gunna hate…

this isnt about haters hating so stop fucking saying that, its about this shady car that right from the start was being lied about and its about 6g’s over priced, if he thinks he can flip a car for double what he payed just because its got fresh bumpers and a welded up rail, let him try, you all think these cars are worth there weight in gold, take it to a dealer and get a reality check. seriously. if everyone would stop over paying for these rusted out cars then people will stop trying to sell them for rediculouse prices. 1500$ on a good day.

everyone is so MAD!

i rike dis car.

can i have a cookie?

LOL @ Marks comment…

Theres an easy solution to this if u dont like dylan dont even bother looking at his ads. Im aware ur asking questions and not getting straight answers meh its tje way hes always done biz. We all kno it so why bother really.

Price is to high get over it I see tons of over priced s chassis all the time on here these days son240 isnt a community of enthusist its a haven for high marketed priced car parts and cars.

sure would, I believe you stated in another thread that there is an ass for every seat, that you would sell the car for $5000 even though its worth $1500 to you. and take advantage of a kid that just got a loan.

pretty much sums up the term “shady as fuck”

Even if it is a clean s chassis which it probably is not arguing that, i would think its still not worth 7grand…

^why not get that for that budget? It didnt take very long for me to find a better deal ON A S CHASSIS (not mentioning everything else you can get in a price range of 7grand) … actually about 2-3 ads away from yours. Everything about this ad, and vehicle might be true but still in my opinion not worth 7 grand.

jealous people will be jealous

You’re comparing the value of real estate to the value of a 20 year old nissan?

---------- Post added at 10:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:42 PM ----------

pretty sure he made that comparison for a “stock-ish non abused” s-chassis… kinda what you’re trying to sell yours as.

auto just means the motor is minty-er… and a 5speed swap isnt hard

Cool man, anymore I should know about my car or how i should be selling it?

Everyone needs to shut the fuck up and let the guy sell the fucking car. Stop going in his threads and complaining about the price or quality. He will post pictures and the buyer can decide if its worth the price or not and negotiate from there. Its called selling a car.

I dont give a fuck about any of the drama with Dylan, or anyone else in this thread. I’m surprised its even gone this damn far. Like, really?

ALL I wanted to say was that km’s do NOT register unless the ignition is on - note for the buyer.
I laughed at the thread in general and I have every right to do so.

I’m done here

An automatic 180sx in alberta isnt exactly in the cards for most. add $1000 or more plus registration to get it here. Thanks for coming out, not to mentions issues some have getting insurance on rhd cars. Heck, my silvia is 6500. Whats your point.[/QUOTE]

you just said yourself 6500 for your silvia. I understand its “mint” but asking 7500 for a stock hatch is absolutely insane if your selling a silvia for 6500…

If you guys think that his price is too high, then fuck off, because if you REALLY think that it means that you REALLY think the car won’t sell, in which case it’s Dylan’s problem… not yours. Everybody get the FUCK outta here and somebody please clean up this thread for the love of g-d.
