1997 Integra Type R...819 miles...

Thank you. :clap
You have to look at it from a financial aspect too, its a special interest collector vehicle that is obtainable by most. I’d love a Murcielago, chances are that dream will never happen, so the opportunity of possessing a low build number, rare vehicle becomes that much closer to reality with the R. After 2001 there was never another “Type R” Honda of anything in the US, chances are there never will be either.

One of these days I’ll find a 97/98 or even a black 00/01, I’m just going to keep dreaming…

See, I can appreciate this, unlike the 100K CRX going for 14K or whatever.

So who drives a car 819 miles and then decides not to drive it anymore? I could almost see 100 or less miles but 819 is a weird number.

WOW, everyone relax… Feel like I stepped on a landmine.

How many ITR’s were brought to the US total… every year etc…

Why downgrade from your baller suzuki?

Its not like people here are saying its the coolest car ever, or that its price should be appealing to everyone. Just making clear that its a rare, well built car…not simply an integra with a wing an some type r stickers.

DAMN nice looking car. i’d daily it.

Nice try champ.

I choose to drive a Suzuki because I don’t care. You choose to drive a Honda because you care. :ohnoes

Magazines are notoriously biased. Not saying this isn’t correct. Just saying.

I drive one because I care not to have problems. Without a doubt, you can’t beat Honda reliability.

I do like this car, but I have to agree. Not taking anything away from it, but I have tough time buying that idea…How did they test that theory? What other platforms is it comapred to?


My integra was cleaner lol

god i would trade my girlfriend for that car, if you see this sorry hun :slight_smile:

if you read the thread you would have seen that it was owned by corporate honda and it stayed in the mechanic training center. those miles are mainly from rolling it in and out of the shop.

how would the magazine be biased? normally, many would rather have a domestic win over an import.

i cant find the article claiming it the best fwd ever at this moment. it was from the UK magazine EVO - here is the list of 100 greatest cars, and the ITR comes in at 22

Are you serious? Money makes the world go round mang.

read the rest of my statement, champ.

I did. I don’t see the point. Magazines are biased as any medium. Domestics or import is meaningless.

DEAL! :ninja

I guess my outlook on a collectors item is a little different than you honda fags. It may be a different car and it may have only 320 made that year, but its not something that is a collectors item. It is a collectors item to honda boys but if you take an average person and ask them which car is a collectors item, the 1953 vette of a 1997 integra, i would say that 99 percent of people would consider the vette a collectors item and the integra something that they see everyday

very true, people can pay to pursway a magazine easily, and it does happen. I have seen it all the time on car and drive and magazines like such, your statement has no validity to it.