1998 s14 kouki 414hp SLEEPER

also, forgot to mention. if you see alot of his threads and this one here, he says that he has a blacktop sr20det. the valve cover was just painted black, it’s really a red top.

my friend, i knew that i was not driving a 400hp car.

Ah cool. I don’t mean anything by it…I’m just asking because you’re likely make less than 250. I just wanted to make that point clear in the event you try to track this guy down cause you got ripped off bad.

no worries man.

And correct me if wrong, but doesn’t the fins on the front of the engine indicate it’s a blacktop?

wow, i was wrong. it actually is a blacktop. i never looked in to this since it’s been parked for most of the time since i bought it. does anybody know who this guy is?

I would check with Derek (dip) for who this guy is and is pretty well known and straight up.

He was the one posting the pics and also lives in Aurora, so seems like a good chance he knows the guy.

thanks for your help.

First NO parts were taken off the car.
Injectors were purchased from Bing, and were NOT converted back to stock.

414 dyno proven hp at the FLYWHEEL Assume 50-60 hp loss in transfer to rear wheels.

The motor…
This car is FAST. Always was.
The motor you speak of used to be mine. I sold it to him. It was purchased from Varun.
it IS a authentic black top. it and always was.
BUT WTF does it really matter when you consider that its 100% rebuilt. All SR’s are for argument sake pretty much identical from the get go and this one was professionally rebuilt by a licensed mechanic and machined by an extremely reputable engine building shop. WHO ALSO DYNO’d the car…

The injectors….
I don’t know who told you your injectors are stock. They are retarded. If you don’t believe me, have them flow tested. They were bought from Bing. They are stock injectors that are rebuilt and reflowed. They came with a flow test to prove that they are, and were OVER 740cc.

If the car had an oil leak it developed after you took owner ship because there was no evidence of it before hand. And other than just saying it had a massive oil leak, Where is it coming from? Have you had any shop in Edmonton work on it since you bought it…

The ECU…
The ECU should look stock. It was sent out and got an Enthalpy tune to match the turbo, injectors, and MAF. These are fairly wide tunes as they are not done for each specific vehicle which may vary slightly. But the car IS tuned for its setup and was fcuking fast. NOT AFTERMARKET ECU, it’s a TUNED ECU…

Elias is no crook. He is one of the most honest people I know… ESPECIALLY on this site.

If you don’t know anything about cars, you shouldn’t have bought a highly modified 240.

Either way you clearly have no clue what you’re talking about.
Before attempting to destroy someone’s name I suggest you make an effort to take it up with them personally. Elias could have corrected you.

No need to search the so called crook is here. Frist of all knight180sx. You do not have any experience or knowledge about cars let alone a highly modified 240sx. tell me how you came to the conclusion that i took out parts of my alarm? now why the F$%@ would i take out parts everything was there and in working condition i even showed you how it worked when you bought it. As far as i can tell you drove that car like it was your first time driving stick. I didn’t say anything because it was going to be yours so how do i know you didn’t just smoke the clutch. I put in a brand new ACT 6 puck race clutch in that car before you bought it. Like HAPPY240sx said that car wouldn’t even run if the 740cc’s were taken out because it had a tuned enthalpy ecu and a Z32 MAF. if you look at the holes on the injectors they are huge compared to stock.
And dont you remember calling me telling me that you got into an accident. dont you think maybe its possible an oil leak happened after that. Wake the F%$# up and clean your crack pipe once and a while because bottom line is your a moron and if you had no clue what type of car you were buying than maybe you should of bought a little honda civic with training wheels until you grew up a bit. anyone with half a brain could relize that that car was in amazing shape and ran perfect. For you and HAPPY240sx it was over 400 horespower sorry to dissapoint you. so next time you try to ruin someone else and talk smack about them get a little educated so you don’t sound like a little toddler playing with your hotwheels.

the shop working on the car should know right away its not a stock ecu or injectors by the fact the car was running on a z32 maf.

I wish I could buy a car I can’t handle, trash it and come back a year later to say the owner sold me a shit car.

So what is it? I so confuze?

Either way dude, I couldn’t care less. I was basically just letting this guy know if he was on stock injectors he wasn’t making anywhere close to that power. Why didn’t you just tell him they were DW injectors?

So, my conclusions.
…this guy didn’t get scammed
…this car didn’t make over 400wheel

No this guy didn’t get scammed and no it wasnt over 400 whp I was talking HP at the motor. But i said what i needed to say, people can believe what they want but i got a bunch of guys that know the truth. I think this thread is over and done with there is nothing else to say.

well thats that kignt180sxw/e your name is maybe you should have tried back when you bought the car to get in contact a bit better now it just looks like you slandered someone`s name for no reason well i guess thats the end of this thread

honestly shut the hell up with your bs…read your old posts, you had a fucking huge leak, you put silicone to cover it up and it did not hold.
the injectors are fucking stock they are not 740cc. i waited over 4 months hoping elias would respond to my private message with all my complaints…i didnt want to drag it in to a public forum.
and you know what guys, i have a right to be pissed i spent over 18 thousand to get this car.

it doesnt take a dummy to understand why he cant run over 15psi

this is my last post everyone…i’m not going to get any points when i get ganged up on this site…if you guys go and look up elias’s previous posts going back you will see that he had a bad leak which was the result of his headgasket blowing. look at the pics guys, there is silcone sealing his head, thats where the leak is… look at his blow off valve, it’s hitting the filter… i have to fix that with money out of my pockets… the filter is so dirty and contaminated that shit goes inside the sysytem. all the evidence is in these pics except for the injectors… i never came to slander anyones name. as i said before i give him 3 private messages over 4 months ago… he only came out because his name got dragged out.
oh, and elias, i never called you and said i got in an accident, tell the truth…i said the transmission went what the hell are you talking about?
anyway, sorry for getting everyone involved…if i fuck shit up on my car i accept that and fix it. these probleoms were already existing on the car. have fun looking closely at the pics

I couldn’t find these pics you speak of, curious to see…

air filter is normal to change and the silcone^ that you can`t see if black i would imagine that there is a HG to if not well then i would be pissed to