1st Annual Pittspeed Pizza Power Tour Sept 12th 2010

I’m pretty sure there are more video’s than just that one…

so there is only one leg, that sounds suspicious…

Yeah…whurz the rest?

AND…you should have cut yer motor…we could hardly hear Officer Cleo!!!

Haha, I didn’t know if we were all gonna be taking off in a hurry if she actually started to try writing citations so I left it on… sorry.

[QUOTE=spoolinsteve;816677]so there is only one leg, that sounds suspicious…

Stop dodging the question!!!

Yeah WTF is taking so long?

Maybe you’d have them posted up more quickly if you spent less time inserting subliminal “Fuck You” messages in them…

Just saying…

BTW where the fuck did dan go?

we already answered that question…went to throw up the little pizza he ate, do a line of coke, and play some gaylo

side note

Dan had explosive diahria

first time eating something other then a penis in 3 years… one day you may be cool again… one day maybe

Still waiting for video??? WTF???


Vote new video rep?

fo sho, this is unacceptable :rofl:

why are you lying to him?

Everyone is welcome to purchase their own gopro and do it your self… lol.


are we welcome to punch you in the cunt?

Why shoot all that video and then not post it up?

What could be so fucking difficult about it??? Are you still on dial-up or what?