1st indoor A.S.S. Meet Scheduled Wednesday DECMBER 7th 7PM


Are you saying there will be hangouts at ASS friday nights?

If ur gonna do it, do it right and eventually make a profit.



Tell Liam to get some practice, I don’t want to feel bad taking his money.

maybe any thoughts??

Tell Liam to get some practice, I don’t want to feel bad taking his money.



It’d be awesome to have a place everyone can just come and hang out at. I know you were talking about memberships.

do it on an odd night when most people don’t go out downtown / clubs/bars etc

Wednesdays? mid week break night?

I’d say tues, wed or sats.

what will we do…stand around and look at each other?
shop orgy? jammer u bringing the girls?
Singh bring Forza 4 & 50"?
we have foosball and electronic darts on site now…

Hangouts and bullshitting. I’m sure dave can hook you guys up with a tv and game shit, foosball, darts, f&tf nights, who knows. Same shit we do in parking lots… talk shit. :lol

Nahhhhhhhh we need to get a boxing wring . Let’s see if some of shifts online badass,s really are.

Ok heres how its gonna work

forza 4 and tv i’ll be down to bring over when its snowing and we are just all snowed in like idiots

fooseball is cool if the table is good.

darts are cool sometimes but i suck at those i’de rather chase yetti around with darts IMO thats more fun until he gets a dart

Sat’s i think are not good, I think tues / wed even sun / mondays are fine too, alot of people on sunday nights wanna do some shit who are hungover and lazy and that would be perfect.

I hope you have machines that use quarters, freebies suck.

Forza 4 and TV in the winter and have everyone come through and get an oil change to compete in the competition “worst drivers ever”

Boxing ring is a great idea and i’m down to box anyone my weight (not alot my weight LOL)

Singh u and I boxing match ?

bad idea

I’d box singh. :lol

i’de be down with that

:rofl Awesome. We’ll see. I have to make sure you’re as small as I remember. :haha

hahahahha yeah im a small as hell 130lb’s im not really a big deal
