1st indoor A.S.S. Meet Scheduled Wednesday DECMBER 7th 7PM

I’ll buy a thing of boneless chicken breast. One of the like 5 lbs ones. We need a head count.

I’m down if its gona be fun ! An when its snowing but by then it might be, so i might bring it

wait so you’re back in NY now?

Yea, we’ve been hanging out a lot since he got back.

well thats kinda messed up because before he left I was his BBF (best brown friend) and moving on my way to his BBFF (same but forever on the end added)

now i feel like I was just stepped all over


Damn. Secrets out.

dont post near me anymore, i hate u


Youre surrounded! :ahh


Anyways, headcount? We need to know how much food we’re making dawgs.

  1. Capitalcrew (eric)
  1. Darryl, Neil, Yetti, Liam

Lets order some whores derves

1- Darryl
2- Capitalcrew
3- Yetti
4- Neil
5- Liam
6- Jammer
7- singh
8- meatPAWZ
9- Johawk

This is just assumptions. Roll call dickheads. We need to know how much food we need.

yeah the list looks about right, now every week that goes by subtract 15% of the total count (obviously rounding down to nearest whole body)

I’m hoping it gets bigger before people start dropping out lol.

Dont know if I can make it… It’s a long drive from work


instead of a big tv, why dont you get L4B to let you borrow his projector?