1STGEN's scirocco

All this interest in an air dam…funny.
JJB’s Hopefully this will help reduce my drag a little…no more wide open hole in the front of the car. The splitter will have to be played with i’m assuming…possibly shortened etc. dive planes are definitely in order though…just got some 15x8 +20mm offset rims to stretch my nitto’s.

Tom - Pegasus also has cheap mesh for the opening. Might be worth doing. Taking a rock to the oil cooler would suuuuck.

Yes it would…was going to do something about that anyway…awesome sentra in your avatar…the new hot whip? bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…sorry

Um, that’s an Altima, not a Sentra? Recognize the baller difference puhlease.

The new trend on shift is to put cars in your avatar you dont own.

Fucking kids…hilarious

Lets just put the car in my wind tunnel and see.

If you actually had one…it would have already been done.

tryied to paint the front with photobucket
imo i think it would be look cool and effective to put ducts in the bumper for front brake cooling .

thats an awful photoshop/ms paint. im sure hes gonna hit it with some rustoleum or something when its done.

looking good tom

Well, put the new rims and tires on…as well as painted some shit black…oooooooh flat black…love it. Also got the balljoint extensions and bump steer correction to return the geometery of the front end to optimum…

15x8 20mm offset

Also making custom droop limiters to keep the strut from dropping too far and breaking the driver axle…

No i’m not using nylon rope…it’s just there to show you where the tether goes…it will be made from wire cable.

Sorry didn’t realize that picture was so horrible, will take more when it’s finished…then it’s on like…http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc154/conehuntr/thunderdome.jpg

Looking good tom!

Glad to see your getting the front suspension straitened out…

This should keep from putting to much strain on the axles correct? Keep them font traveling to much?

In fact this setup i’m working on will keep the spring right at the point of unseating…which will be perfect. I also think i might get the added benefit of limited shock travel down in the front…increasing front grip under launch.

You do alot of standing starts?

(this is a real, serious question…I’m not trying to poke fun, you still do a lot of auto-x?)

and :rofl @ “ACK”


Next time you guys are at LRP I’ll have to tag along again, Surely you or jesse could probably give me a ride, are you guys instructors this year or what?

I love the car man, grassroots backyard shit at its finest, she aint the prettiest but shes a damn intimidating car

Sadly yes, we are.

All auto-x starts are standing start…and the place you lose most time trying to get traction to shift into 2nd gear…all of auto-xing is based on a good launch and getting to top speed of the car in 2nd and then maintaining that momentum. Launches are when my car is the slowest…2.2-2.5 60 foot isn’t so hot…the spring will stay compressed longer and not allow the control to droop.

Word, didn’t realize you were still using the car for auto-x, I really had no idea :rofl