Andrew (Smokin) Get to work!

Who the F is Andrew?

You fail


You = Drew as far as I’m concerned. :slight_smile:

You admit that you need a rear and driving lessons as well. Epic Fail.


i lol’d. but at least he isn’t making himself out to be a nasty dig-racer/driver and is then chickening out of races, he knows what his weaknesses are. gotta give him props for that

speaking of which… i need to race ssssssssmokinssssssssss

Oh I know…

I just like busting his balls.

Especially in his “Blowing it sideways stories”

let the kid be at least he can admit his faults ,unlike half of this forum

Wait until the stock one blows up

its the same rear as mine ,and i pound the shit out of mine .so does plaf but the last i knew ya gotta have power to blow shit up his dont turn on till 100 plus so he should be good

No bottle

yah…100mph+ my car is a whole different animal

ill let ya run my kit seein as car is down for now:ohnoes

lets do it!!! I got the tuner right in my hands!

125 shot all day long.

your scared!!!

I’ve seen the SS blow sideways at 40. It’s no 300zx, but it will spin on the highway.

shiftin into 4th it chriped BOTH of those 315’s. deff got the grunt.

yah well, I have 285’s now. Michelin / Pilot Sport MO 's. I expect them to be bald in a month.

shoulda gotten kdw’s. those look sick. and perform good.