2-15-2007 grammar complaint

Ford (multi-billion dollar, international company) has a commercial that has been bothering me.
In the commercial they say, “Less stops at the fuel pump.”
I grammar checked this and it was NOT corrected!!!

The preferred grammar should be “fewer stops at the fuel pump.”

Am I the only one that thinks this?!?

I have also heard people on NATIONAL television say, “You should have went.”
HOLY SHIT! How do you get on national tv with grammar like that?

End of rant.

They’re just keeping their target audience in mind. :wink:

People on TV are human just like the rest of us, they are not perfect nor is anybody on this planet. Just because they are on tv, doesn’t exactly make them above everything godlike haha.

I do however agree that if a company wants to look good they should at least have things grammatically correct.

Me on the other hand could care less because I know my grammar is terrible.


AWD, right on both counts…

however, those mistakes (although showing to millions of people everyday) are at least not as bad as the to-too-two, your-you’re, etc… issues that people have.

so the less vs fewer…

you would say “i have fewer dollars…” but can use “i have less money…” … right?

i saw a sign at west her that said:

“less variation in tire pressure do to nitrogen”

It was on what appeared to be something produced high up…

That one’s a double suck. Poor grammer and a BS gimmick.

The veinsveinsveins commercial has Carl Russo saying “Me and other Western New Yorkers.” :eyebrow:

My rule of thumb is if you can count it in units then you say fewer.
Less water.
Fewer gallons of water.
(You can count stops at the fuel pump.)

EDIT: I misread.



i saw a sign at west her that said:

“less variation in tire pressure do to nitrogen”

It was on what appeared to be something produced high up…


:jawdrop: wow.

I just came from TOPS where I read on a Pringles can - 50% less calories.
WTF? Is it just me or what?
Edit: We truly are becoming The United States of Mediocrity.

tv…internet…who cares.

in front of your boss…typing up an important document…it matters





That one’s a double suck. Poor grammer and a BS gimmick.




i saw a sign at west her that said:

“less variation in tire pressure do to nitrogen”

It was on what appeared to be something produced high up…


and in your rant about spelling and grammer, you spelled West HERR wrong! :wave: hehe

[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:16,topic:24601"”]

and in your rant about spelling and grammer, you spelled West HERR wrong! :wave: hehe



[quote=“fairgentleman Z,post:15,topic:24601"”]




Wait, there’s hope for NYSpeed’s grammor!

Software that will this sentence fix.


I was watching Ed Whitten(THE SMARTEST MAN ALIVE) on PBS and he said “less” when he should have said “fewer”.

I guess even the smartest man on Earth sometimes has a problem with that word.:biglaugh: