2 fbody kills...

but u barely beat joe off the spray

Yup…they are slow when stock…

we already have that thread… didnt you get the memo??? its in OT geniously named high end audio or something. anyways to the real reason i came in here… newman please kill my Fbod before i do.

No I didn’t get the memo.

Title: retardly expensive audio equipment (now locked)

Relatively drama-free version: Why your views are wrong.

stay on topic

i was there as well for the first kill he talked about. The kids name is Chris and he knew he was gunna get beat and did not care. The funny thing is some of the kids thought he had mad work done to the car. and i guess the civic was asked if he was runnin juice, he said no and my buddy chris said that he will leave his off and the kid turned gohst white. just what i was told.

I have an Fbody now :frowning: dont kill me. lol

lol. bill does not get scared. and i saw that fender flared z28 at walmart the other day… diagonally acrossed a handicapped spot. tho they did have the tag. fucking crips.

Purple Z28??? If its the Chris im thinking about his car is completly stock

not riccota.

Word…what mods were done to the Z28 I/H/E???

not much, exhaust. that’s all i knew about.

i think all it had was exhaust but i was kinda hoping it had spray cuz it would have been alot more fun. and no i wasnt scurd of no spray for anyone wondering

nice job! :tup:

to bad the Z has 120K+ and a tranny that slips like crazy. next year it will be a different ball game. (bigger motor/tranny rebuild etc.)

excuses excuses.
haha, ok. too bad the hondas clutch slips at 5000+ and it’s FWD. GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FACE.

ill be down to run the hatch in 2 weeks

white or grey?

The slower of the 2…lol!!!