american muscle = style and somewhat fast right out of the box. handas never look good no matter how many autozone parts you put on it and it takes $6000 to make it go fast.
^^^ Sucky McSuckerson :tup:
i never quoted any one person buddy, just fireing back at the people who talk about fbods
this is just flat out retarded
Maybe you should hang out with bonger and gustav a little less…
You dont know shit!
^^^ the best part is that this kid is serious… it takes at least $8000 worth of stickers and neons to make a honda look good and go fast GOD!!1!
reason #3434957429yseventybillion39587432968759-76er why i feel like an asshole driving around in my camaro.
he does not hang out with either actually.
:lol: @ how people get pissed off soo fast lol!
:tup: To LetitRip getting people fired up over nothing
:tup: :tup:
nope not pissed at all
Dont take this too personal when I say this but…
Retards are fun to laugh at.
I almost didnt buy a honda due to the -swarm of bees/ fart cannon / apc stickers / neons / wings sterotypes-
but I do love getting 40 mpg and having nothing break :shrug:
yea f-bods are great for when you want to take a SLOW cruise from gas station to gas station:banghead:
lol. there are only a handful of fbody owners i like and you are one of them.
your my fav cult leader
haha, i never would’ve pictured you getting one as the antithesis to that mentality
Getting the Jap guys fired up over nothing. Look out, we’ve got a Domestinewman!