2 murders in amsterdam?

I’ll never understand why people are so terrified of pits and other bully breeds.

media stigma of the breeds. My 11 month old german sheperd is one of the biggest marshmellow dogs I’ve ever met, yet people are still afraid of him the first time they meet him because he is over 100 pounds.

Shut up retard , pits are no diff than any other dog . Retards like u keep the stigma going . Fuck dude your a dumb son of a bitch . I hate retards like u that say "huh a pit ? That explains it " retard

i know pit’s aren’t naturally mean dogs, my friend has a pit, he’s the biggest sweetheart ever. loves me, wont leave me alone when im there keeps trying to lick my face raw haha. it’s just the image of a pitbull keeps people from fucking with it, or the person that’s walking it.

STFU retard, wow you really are special dont try to cover it up specialkid

Then why did u say it ? Ya starting to act like nickalero . All my life I have had pits and not one was a vicous dog "ok one was lol " the one I have now has only been aggressive if someone or another dog gets to close to my kids or if someone knocks on my door when Noone is home . He sleeps with my kids and my kids walk him . Just cause some stupid piles of shit use em for dumb shit assholes label em all . Fuck u your a herb

John’s dog is a big baby. I can attest to that.

He is to lol

john i never said pit’s were mean dogs, i just said that pit’s are LOOKED at as mean dogs. personally i love them. i’d have one but my parents have a problem with them. I’ve only met 1 dog that i didn’t get along with, and it was a German Shepard… poor named Cassie. rescue dog that was beaten. savagely. eventually had to be put down… why aren’t Americas animal cruelty laws harsher…? i mean seriously…

our pit isnt mean at all he is however extremly protective of me and her ( mostly her). but if u introduce ppl to him hes extremly lovable just dont be a stranger and mess with her because he does attack if he feels ur a threat to her. but yes most pll are afraid of him just because he is a pit.ppl look at him and almost get to the other side of the street its really just ignorance


The article in the newpaper about it is retarded. they took the victims daughters statement something to the effect of “I have a good idea of who did this”… and quoted her, it was full of miss-spellings, and other stupid fucking comments. More or less, dumb on their part for reporting it the way they did. I wouldnt doubt that the scumbags who did this will be looking to get the daughter now out of fear for getting caught.

they said they know who it is he lived in woodrow wilson housing complex they went o go and get him and he was already gone. they proly owed him money and he owed someone else

I understood what he meant (amazingly). He was just acknowledging the reputation pitbulls have. Stated that a lot of retards are convinced that pits will murder them, although he didn’t seem to suggest that he was one of those retards.

However, Amsterdam, not especially surprised. And I live in Neglectady.