2 murders in amsterdam?

anyone here anything on this? i guess 2 people got killed on locust ave lastnight

People still live in Amsterdam?

yea but most are hard to see at night so u might miss them

I wouldn’t actually classify them as people but technically yes


2 down many to go.

anybody up for a quick carpetbombing?

No shit. I didnt hear about that. My grandmother lives on Locust ave.

I think thats the shady tattoo joint.

great response

no this may be my gfs sisters house idk if shss living there or somewere else

Only 2 dead ??? They have a long way to go

Heard about this at work…Drug deal gone bad was speculated…Dont know for sure…

Amsterdam scares the FUCK out of me.

Go on…

i guess it was there neighbor actually the girl she was living with is the one that found it i guess. the girl got stabbed 50 fucking times or some shit. sounds like more than just a drug deal gone wrong that shit seems personal

lmao why?

that part of amsterdam is actually decent. My grandmother has lived 2 block up for 50+ years. The only bad parts of amsterdam are the east end, and anything less than a few blocks north of the river.

drug deals and shit happen anywhere, any time. doesnt matter the city, street or house. Shady people do shady things… sucks for them.

^ exactly. down by the river is shitty. but still my gf will walk from presidental district down there with our pitbull and no one messes with her

the pitbull explains it.