2 teens killed in overnight car crash.

Wonder what the odds are that both of these end up being traced back to Canal Fest drinking?

The article this morning quoted the cop saying at least 60, in a 45, but they were still looking into it.

Katey Moley went to UB… shes related somehow… sad :frowning:

The tonawanda one was in my Friends front yard.He was just walking into the bathroom and said it souned like someone slammed into his house. Channel 4 has been there all day.

If you watch the video at 1:40 in you can see the back of my truck there.Still a horrible accident and I told my buddy he should just cut the tree down as so many people hit it who knows when it will happen again

x2. Friend of my fathers daughter/niece, unsure of what relation. Waiting to here more dets…

I know both of them pretty well. I’m pretty fucked up about it. She was a wonderful girl.

I went to high school with Moley’s ( think, been a long time) I don’t think I knew her, but I’m sure I knew some relatives. I went to school at Wilson. (news first said she was from Wilson then changed to Newfane)
Sometimes I wish I could go back in time and slap some people, like “WTF are you thinking!?!”
If people would just stop and think for a second before getting in the car with a drunk person, or being drunk and about to drive. “Gee, maybe I should call a cab” Just makes me angry that a smart, well liked girl, had a small lapse in judgment and payed for it with her life.
Thats why I always have a DD when I go out, or some sort of plan.
if you are my DD, I always buy dinner or non alcoholic drink for that person

Ah thats right. Katey was the one I knew in school.

This probably wouldn’t have happened if drinking was illegal.

prohibition2010. :slight_smile: