Do people really ask previous employers ???
I don’t think most of them do because they can’t tell you anythinmg bad about the employee. References are stupid…
Last job I left, I didn’t use the letter to tell my old boss I was leaving, I talked to him after hours, and wrote up a short legal type letter for him afterwords. I think its much more nice to your employer to talk to him face to face then to just plop a letter in his mail box and run so to speak.
you are correct, but wouldn’t you want your previous employer to rant and rave about how good you were? Instead they usually do the yes so and so worked here
i quit my current job twice before but both times i worked my two weeks out. i just said i was leaving , no letter. both times he took me back.
right now thye arne’t legally allowed to say anything bad about you, but that is in the process of being changed by legislation. normally they just call and say “i wanted to see if so and so worked here between such and such, only call me back if so and so was an excellent employee”.
if that’s the point then it really only matters if HR likes you since VOEs arent done by ‘bosses’ but secretaries or HR. and i’m 99% that bigger companies wont say anything good about you anymore than they can say anything bad about you. just dates and wages in some cases.
I put the letter in his bin and “ran”, because my GM and I do not get along at all. The big boss (owner of the company) is out of town, and I couldn’t wait until Monday to put in the notice, because that would make it only 1 week.