2 yr old raped by pitbull


he is licking you because you are salty and you taste good, and a good well trained dog would not automatically go into protection mood unless told to do so, your dog doing so is a sign of insecurity.

listen you guys can say all you want about your dogs they are yours and of coarse you love them like they were one of your children. Don’t jump down my throat for voicing my opinion about them, as far as I’m concerned unless they are one of the many Staffordshire terriers registered with the AKC they are dangerous.


I am not saying my dog is perfect by any means, and he has had “trauma” in his life that causes him to act in many of the ways he does, but for anyone to say “pittbulls are bad” just because most of the fucking morons that buy them treat them like shit is ignorant.

Any living, breathing person/animal will never behave properly if they are not taught to be correct, or are abused.

Sorry, it just really pisses me off, because this mentality is what led to things like what happened in denver where they were just killing people’s pets because “THEY ARE BAD”. We don’t go and kill piece of shit gang bangers in the hood, or meatheads that like to bea thte shit out of people for no reason, they are a fucking lot more dangerous than a pittbull.

edit: and I am not jumping down your throat, sorry if it seems as such, just also voicing my opinion is all.