2 yr old raped by pitbull


Getting any puppy simultaneously with a baby is just asking for trouble.


3 kids now.
2 years, 8 months.
8 months
and ~5 month old lab puppy

after watching dog shows like ‘its me or the dog’ and ‘dog wisperer’
i was such a bad dog person. I used to be the one to play rough with them and let them jump.
we dont let our pup get away with anything… and i hate when people
pet her when she jumps on them… and ignore her when she wlaks up to them and sits politely waiting for attention.

dont let puppies get away with anything that will be unacceptable when they are grown up…

Is the parents fault, period!

ok this is way better than where this thread is going, and is:



Every time I picture that poor dog shaking in its cage I get the urge to go adopt it. Can’t though. I already have two, plus I don’t know if I trust myself to raise a strong breed like a pit properly, much less my wife.


I hope i’m just reading this wrong…

OK, I got my Am.Staff. (pitbull) when he was 1.25yrs old. He had all the bad habits (but, did know how to let you know he had to go out). He IS bull headed like most of these dogs are BUT, this dog is more disiplined(sp) then any dog I have ever owned. He will stay EVEN if I’m out of his sight (as long as its less than 5min.)
I’ve trained all my dogs and quite a few of my friend’s dogs. This Am. Staff. is a stubborn breed with LOTS of energy which took longer to find out how to get him to walk normal. Below is how I finally got him to stop pulling. He would pull constantly as if I was a burdon and stuck to him on HIS walk.

Some of the tricks that helped break him are…
I tried the choke chain, the poker collar, and finally the head harness (as someone posted). THAT head harness works the best!!!

Now, first off you need to play with the dog getting him to breath hard and panting for at least 45min. BEFORE you go for the walk. That is where most of his energy is. He/she will almost never calm down enough of you dont plan a hard core play time before taking him/her for a walk.
Second, plan on the walk taking forever (feels that way). Now when you start to walk and he/she starts pulling…stop. yank (dont break hi/her neck, but enough for him/her to say, "oh shit they’re for real), say “stop” and get them to look at you, and have them sit. Then, begin to walk and say, “walk” if he/she starts to pull again…stop and say “stop”, and have him/her sit (doesnt have to be right next to you, that can come later) You might have to repeat this within the first 30’-100’ into the walk. But, 80% of the time if they’ve used alot of energy in the “pre-walk” they start getting sick of stopping and realize that if they stop pulling, you keep walking. Another thing is, bring alot of those small treats to reward with when he/she starts walking without putting tention on the leash.
It took my dog probably 6mo. to stop pulling during a walk. We still work on dog interaction though. He wants to at least get close enough to sniff, or whatever and pulls like crazy to get to the dog (its not viscious behavior though, even thought the other dog owner gets nervious when my 80~lb dog is on his hind legs barking and sniffing). Luckly Im 215 and can anchor him pretty good.lol
The best way to train a dog is to think like a dog I guess. The Dog Wisperer has ALOT of good points and does things the same way I do/did them.

OH, and the face harness…my dog couldnt stand it either. I would put it on him at the house and have him wear it for 10-20min. kept telling him to “STOP” when he’d try to paw it off. I would take it off afterthe 10-20min and give him a treat and praise him to let him know it wasnt punishment. After awhile he ignored it.
Also, with what I said in my previous post. If you dont walk him/her for a week or 2 the pulling might occur again. I guess in some ways dogs arent the brightest but, half way through the walk after a few reminder “stops” they remember.

pit bulls are not good dogs, for every 1 case of attack reported there are 20 that are not, just think about that. I may be wrong but I don’t think they are even recognized by the AKC

OK, thats coming from any kind of real experience with them or just what you read and felt like saying something negative about them??
OH, and yeah, you are wrong…American Staffordshire Terriers, and Staffordshire Bull Terrier (Pitbull) are well known in the AKC.

Way to just talk out of your ass.:rubicant:

I be willing to bet that 90% of pit bull owners did not go through a reputable breeder. If they had I don’t think there would be as big of a problem as there is. The difference is that through the breeders ( which would insist on registering with the AKC) the blood lines would not be tainted the way they are. Is your dog AKC?? if it is whats his name?

The problem with most pit bulls is that they were breed by a lot of people for fighting and aggression, which means that other breeds were mixed in and things like that. The breed was ruined for the most part, so unless you have gone through a good breeder there is no way to tell what the blood lines are.


pit bulls are not good dogs, for every 1 case of attack reported there are 20 that are not, just think about that. I may be wrong but I don’t think they are even recognized by the AKC


So wrong… any dog that is poorly trained is a bad dog. It is the fact that people that buy pittbulls generally are stupid frat fags or trash that think that it is cool to “have a dog that can beat some ass”.

Pittbulls are extremely loyal and kind dogs, while at the same time if you need them to protect you they will to the death. My dog is extremely friendly towards people, moreso than almost any other dog i’ve seen, he would sit there and lick you until your skin came off :lol:

however if someone is approaching and you are afraid of them, the dog, whatever he can sense it and is ready to protect.

^^^i agree with chino…all dogs are good with the right training…its not the dog it the trainer.

but some breed are prone to be aggressive. i also agree with that

he is licking you because you are salty and you taste good, and a good well trained dog would not automatically go into protection mood unless told to do so, your dog doing so is a sign of insecurity.

listen you guys can say all you want about your dogs they are yours and of coarse you love them like they were one of your children. Don’t jump down my throat for voicing my opinion about them, as far as I’m concerned unless they are one of the many Staffordshire terriers registered with the AKC they are dangerous.


^^^i agree with chino…all dogs are good with the right training…its not the dog it the trainer.

but some breed are prone to be aggressive. i also agree with that


Look at it this way, if all dogs are so good with proper training why do agency’s that train dogs for the blind and such go through hundreds of dogs before finding the right ones??

Also for the most part police use German shepherds. Do you know where these dogs come from?? most of them come right from Germany, do you know why this is?? because the blood lines are so clean and the dogs are not cross bread like here in the states.


he is licking you because you are salty and you taste good, and a good well trained dog would not automatically go into protection mood unless told to do so, your dog doing so is a sign of insecurity.

listen you guys can say all you want about your dogs they are yours and of coarse you love them like they were one of your children. Don’t jump down my throat for voicing my opinion about them, as far as I’m concerned unless they are one of the many Staffordshire terriers registered with the AKC they are dangerous.


I am not saying my dog is perfect by any means, and he has had “trauma” in his life that causes him to act in many of the ways he does, but for anyone to say “pittbulls are bad” just because most of the fucking morons that buy them treat them like shit is ignorant.

Any living, breathing person/animal will never behave properly if they are not taught to be correct, or are abused.

Sorry, it just really pisses me off, because this mentality is what led to things like what happened in denver where they were just killing people’s pets because “THEY ARE BAD”. We don’t go and kill piece of shit gang bangers in the hood, or meatheads that like to bea thte shit out of people for no reason, they are a fucking lot more dangerous than a pittbull.

edit: and I am not jumping down your throat, sorry if it seems as such, just also voicing my opinion is all.

I bet SVT thinks Rotties are horrible bad dogs as well…


pit bulls are not good dogs, for every 1 case of attack reported there are 20 that are not, just think about that.


There is absolutely no way to gather that statistic. It is made up. :stfu:

You are wrong. :stfu:


I be willing to bet that 90% of pit bull owners did not go through a reputable breeder.


So you made up a statistic to support your argument. :stfu:

PURE bred pits were bred to bait bulls. I.E. for fighting. What does mixing in other breeds have to do with it? Why does training a dog for fighting mean mixing breeds to you?

Most vets have told me that my mutt has the colorings of a German Shepherd with the stance of a pit. By your logic she should be a menace to society. Want to know what she does when she meets people? She either sits and wags or just flips right over and submits.


he is licking you because you are salty and you taste good


Not always. :stfu:

Finally! Something correct! Although nobody said their dog automatically goes into protection mode. :stfu:

Your opinion is fine. You might want to study my sig though. Either way stop trying to pass off your opinion as fact, especially when most of the premises you are basing your opinion on are wrong. :stfu:


Look at it this way, if all dogs are so good with proper training why do agency’s that train dogs for the blind and such go through hundreds of dogs before finding the right ones??

Also for the most part police use German shepherds. Do you know where these dogs come from?? most of them come right from Germany, do you know why this is?? because the blood lines are so clean and the dogs are not cross bread like here in the states.


They’re not all of the same intelligence. They can all be taught to respect humans as dominant though. If most police dogs do in fact come from Germany because their bloodline is purer (and I don’t believe anything you say about dogs at this point) then I would guess it’s because Shepherds are extremely intelligent dogs and true German ones may be moreso.

Get your facts straight or :stfu:

damn fry is pissed :stuck_out_tongue:

ironic however - how long ago did you get your dog and/or was it a rescue dog? we used to have a consultant in that rescued german shepherds and she had one that was half pitt half shepherd. was a pretty cool dog, I think she found her a home about a year ago?


Look at it this way, if all dogs are so good with proper training why do agency’s that train dogs for the blind and such go through hundreds of dogs before finding the right ones??

Also for the most part police use German shepherds. Do you know where these dogs come from?? most of them come right from Germany, do you know why this is?? because the blood lines are so clean and the dogs are not cross bread like here in the states.


What are you a dog breeder? if so u might as well read up on more shit…i said that some BREED are more agressive then other…meaning that u can categorized pits as aggressive dogs but they can be trained to be less aggressive…

so youre agreeing with me that u can categorize german shepards as smart dogs.

what do you do sit here and re quote everyone? well requote this

All SVT Lightnings are slow, that is a known fact!


There is absolutely no way to gather that statistic. It is made up. :stfu:

That may be but you cannot prove it otherwise either

You are wrong. :stfu:

I am right, you have an American pit bull which is NOT recognized by the AKC

So you made up a statistic to support your argument. :stfu:

see above!!

your dog is not registered with the AKC, where did you get your dog??

PURE bred pits were bred to bait bulls. I.E. for fighting. What does mixing in other breeds have to do with it? Why does training a dog for fighting mean mixing breeds to you?

Most vets have told me that my mutt has the colorings of a German Shepherd with the stance of a pit. By your logic she should be a menace to society. Want to know what she does when she meets people? She either sits and wags or just flips right over and submits.

mixing breeds taints the blood lines and makes the dogs unstable, no one said anything about breeding them to fight.

you do not have a pure breed staffordshire terrier so you stfu

Not always. :stfu:

for the most yes she is tasting the salt

Finally! Something correct! Although nobody said their dog automatically goes into protection mode. :stfu:

you insinuated that your did

Your opinion is fine. You might want to study my sig though. Either way stop trying to pass off your opinion as fact, especially when most of the premises you are basing your opinion on are wrong. :stfu:

They’re not all of the same intelligence. They can all be taught to respect humans as dominant though. If most police dogs do in fact come from Germany because their bloodline is purer (and I don’t believe anything you say about dogs at this point) then I would guess it’s because Shepherds are extremely intelligent dogs and true German ones may be moreso.

Get your facts straight or :stfu:


I seem to be more knowledgeable about dogs, I’m not the one protecting the virtues of my mutt. I would never even own a mutt, they in a sense the mentally handicapped dogs of the would.