2 yr old raped by pitbull


I seem to be more knowledgeable about dogs, I’m not the one protecting the virtues of my mutt. I would never even own a mutt, they in a sense the mentally handicapped dogs of the would.


yes, imbreeding has always been the way to have good genetics.

which is why pure breeds die sooner and have hip dysplasia at the age of 4.


All SVT Lightnings are slow, that is a known fact!


not as slow as some of the people on this board


damn fry is pissed :stuck_out_tongue:

ironic however - how long ago did you get your dog and/or was it a rescue dog? we used to have a consultant in that rescued german shepherds and she had one that was half pitt half shepherd. was a pretty cool dog, I think she found her a home about a year ago?


Yep, rescue dog. Got her in February 2005 from Joyful Rescues in Olean. The shelter came to Petsmart in Hamburg for a day with a bunch of their dogs, back when my then-fiance still lived down there. She just happened to be at Petsmart the same day with our Maltese. We were thinking about getting another dog already. I was visiting a buddy of mine in Chicago when my fiance called me all excited that she found me a dog. She said that our 4 pound Maltese walked up and started harassing this big brown dog, and all it did was sniff the Maltese. And the brown dog just shut her eyes and soaked up the attention when people pet her head, and at one point a 2 year old came up from behind the big brown dog and threw its arms around it and it didn’t even jump, much less growl or show any signs of aggression. So I filed the adoption paperwork, the shelter called my references to make sure that if they gave me the dog that it would have a home for life and called my apartment to make sure it was OK, and then I went down to Olean to pick her up having never even seen the dog.

When the shelter got her she was pregnent and emaciated. Someone had dumped her at a shelter in Ohio, and Joyful rescues got her the day she was going to be put down. She had her puppies and still nursed them, despite being on the brink herself.

It made me sick to think that at one point someone just threw away my best friend and left her for dead. I will never have anything but rescue dogs.

So yeah that’s my touching little story, and why the gloves come off when someone starts spewing BS about “bad” dogs. No breed is “bad.” Pits arejust a challenging breed to raise properly and their image is a magnet for deadbeat owners. Combine the 2 and you get a lot of bad situations that result in pits left and shelters to be put down.


I seem to be more knowledgeable about dogs, I’m not the one protecting the virtues of my mutt. I would never even own a mutt, they in a sense the mentally handicapped dogs of the would.


Your ignorance is astounding. Pure breds are the result of inbreeding, hence genetic problems. That’s another reason why your “pure bred pits are safer” theory is wrong. One of the possible results of inbreeding is psychological disorders, which you don’t really want a strong dog to have.

Here, read this. Learn something.

The theory of hybrid vigor suggests that dogs of mixed ancestry will be healthier than their purebred counterparts. Mating dogs of very similar appearance over several generations have caused purebreds to carry many recessive homozygotic alleles, many of which are detrimental. This is especially true if the dogs are closely related. This inbreeding among purebreds has made many of them prone to various genetic health problems. Mixed-breed dogs are more genetically diverse due to the more random nature of mating. They are less likely to have certain genetic disorders because there is a decreased chance that both parents carry the same detrimental recessive alleles. Consequently, there is an increased chance in mixed-breed dogs that if a recessive detrimental allele is inherited from one parent, it will be masked by its healthier dominant allele from the other parent. For example, large dogs such as the German Shepherd Dog often suffer from hip dysplasia. Mating a German Shepherd, a breed known to have an increase incident of this disease, with a different purebred dog not known to suffer from it, reduces the likelihood that the cross-breed produced will suffer from hip dysplasia. It should be noted that mating two different purebreds in which both have an incident of the same genetic disease, the resulting cross-breed will usually have a similar chance of developing the genetic disease as inbreeding a purebred, but it may have a decreased probability of other genetic ailments that are not the same between the two different purebred parents. Overall, because of the effect of hybrid vigor in other species[1], it is ofter assumed that the same effect occurs in mixed-breed dogs. This would mean that on average, mixed-breed dogs are often healthier, have reduced incidents of genetic diseases, and live longer than their purebred parents.
Knowing the recent disease history is ultimately important in dog breeding. Breeding a Shepherd with another Shepherd in which the ancestors of both have no documented cases of genetic diseases will, with a high degree of certainty, give a healthy purebred. Another method to ensure a health dog would be to have the parental dogs genetically tested for a particular disease. This can be successful for diseases that have been identified to be caused by a single gene. Most often, this method can be difficult because the genetic determinant for many diseases have not been isolated, or the genetic determinant is caused by many genes, such as in hip dysplasia [2].
Some purebred dog breeds have difficulties due to the exaggerated physical traits associate with that breed. For example, the Bulldog has such small hips and such a large head that Caesarean sections are frequently, but not always, required to produce puppies.
There is no guarantee of good genetic health of any dog, purebred or otherwise, as not all damaging genes are recessive. Also, of course, purebred and mixed-breed dogs are equally susceptible to nongenetic ailments, such as rabies, distemper, injury, and infestation by parasites.


So yeah that’s my touching little story, and why the gloves come off when someone starts spewing BS about “bad” dogs. No breed is “bad.” Pits arejust a challenging breed to raise properly and their image is a magnet for deadbeat owners. Combine the 2 and you get a lot of bad situations that result in pits left and shelters to be put down.



I feel the same way now, there are so many dogs to be rescued however it is just impossible to keep up :frowning:


I hope i’m just reading this wrong…


:lol: I definitely don’t trust myself to raise my wife properly. :lolham:

I meant neither of us would really be a good pit owner. We don’t enforce our limits on our dogs stricly enough, which is OK when one is 5 pounds and the other is 40 pounds and neither is dominant by nature. Not the best thing for the dogs, but not dangerous. A pit would walk all over us.

Here’s some irony…I stopped at a friend’s house (1st time going there) he has a nice house, (nice wife;) ), pretty much good living. I ring the doorbell, I hear 2 dogs going nuts! He answers the door (dogs are trying to get through him). He says, “hold on, the dogs dont know you, let m tie them up so nothing happens.” I come in and realize that these terror dogs are fucking LABS!!! They were’nt pitbulls, they werent rotty’s, not even doby’s, but fuckin labs!!
Kinda take the wind out of your sails to say the bull terriers are so bad. I’ve never had to do such a thing with my dog. I realize there’s gong to be ignorance in everything. People want to argue and talk down about anything.
Its fine…hell I think SVT’s are bad vehicles anyways.

people propegate things because… “its always been that way”
its how their parents parents treated family dogs…
and others baby dogs to no end…

befire i had a dog, it had never occured to me that i was in fact reinforcing the wrong responses. as in always mess with the dog 1st, then talk with friends etc…

not all pet owners suck, they just dont realize how clueless they are.
i would feed dogs tanle scraps (if ok with owners anyway)
but there is no way i’ll feed the puppy from the table now.


people propegate things because… “its always been that way”
its how their parents parents treated family dogs…
and others baby dogs to no end…

befire i had a dog, it had never occured to me that i was in fact reinforcing the wrong responses. as in always mess with the dog 1st, then talk with friends etc…

not all pet owners suck, they just dont realize how clueless they are.
i would feed dogs tanle scraps (if ok with owners anyway)
but there is no way i’ll feed the puppy from the table now.


hahaha, our first dog, a st. bernard got table fed like crazy for years. when my fiance moved in with me and brought her st. bernard I enforced no table scraps rule and holy god, I ended up giving in because it was never going to change. In case people were not sure, if dogs are used to getting table scraps, they sit and drool next to you. In case you also didn’t know st. bernards have an excessive amount of drool. Hence why I would give in, it was either that or i’d have to shampoo the rug after every meal, friggin nasty :slight_smile:

all I can add to this thread is that when a chiawawa is not trained and abused it nips you ankle which is a little different from fucking a two year old.

My mother-in-law was the social worker at Children’s in Buffalo for years. We were talking about this yesterday, as it would have been her case had she not retired 6 months ago.

She had 2 injured children from dog bites in hear career. One had a bit from a pit, the other had BRAIN DAMAGE AFTER BEING ATTACKED BY A POMERANIAN.
Draw whatever conclusions you’d like.


My mother-in-law was the social worker at Children’s in Buffalo for years. We were talking about this yesterday, as it would have been her case had she not retired 6 months ago.

She had 2 injured children from dog bites in hear career. One had a bit from a pit, the other had BRAIN DAMAGE AFTER BEING ATTACKED BY A POMERANIAN.
Draw whatever conclusions you’d like.


those are actually very evil dogs lol 2 friends of mine each had one and both were equally as nasty lol (fortunitly enough, they really couldn’t do much except bark at ya)

dogs suck.

The only thing that controls ANY dog’s behavior, pit or otherwise, is how it is raised and trained!

My aunt’s pitbull is a total sweetheart, was rescued from a dog fighting ring. She was a ‘breeder’ so she had to be nice for when the assholes took her puppies away for training. She was underweight and starving for attention. She has been nothing but docile, wants every human and every dog to be her friend. My aunt has never had a single problem with her in the 9 years she has owned her. She is gentle with the cats when they torment her, and when my aunt brought home a new puppy a few months ago, the pit instantly started treating her like one of her own puppies, cleaning her and ‘showing her the ropes’ of the household.

But you’re right, all pit bulls are horrible creatures :bloated::2fingers:

Another thing that gets me is, the people that are OVER confident in their dogs. Ex. “oh, I let him run around without a leash because I KNOW he/she wont bite anyone.” -or- “its ok for your lil kid to walk up and put his/her face right in front of the dogs, he wont bite I KNOW he wont”.

People that think they ~know~ what their dos will do is scary. Its a dog, we’re humans. My dog has never attacked anyone, I keep him on a short lead to make sure he doesn’t. You can never know whats going on in your dogs mind.
A lady one time asked me why I keep him on a short lead and not let him run around. She was talking as if my dog was being punished, as her dog got to run and annoy all the dogs that were responsibly on leashes. Then she asked if he’s viscious or something. I told her Im just resposible, hes a dog…I’d be ignorant if I thought I knew what he waould do at a given situation. Her dog is running around jumping and annoying other dogs. There’s going to come a time where either her dog feels threatened or the dog her dog jumps on get annoyed and attacks. Then it’ll be everyone else’s fault but, hers (in her mind) There’s a reason why there’s lash laws.

I wonder if he pulled out?

Well I have a German Shepard/Rottie mix and he has killed apox 12 people, 1 being a child. He is awesome, he is a mutt, and he is smarter then 15% of Americans. Thats a fact. 2 or 3 scientists support it, science wins. I think they said the child has internal bleeding that they are looking into as shaken baby syndrome…looks like it was a cover…

Inside lab source I know of said it HUMAN Sperm they found. So it wasnt the dog.


Inside lab source I know of said it HUMAN Sperm they found. So it wasnt the dog.


thats what i was afraid we were gonna find out…but i thought those kinda tests take time


Inside lab source I know of said it HUMAN Sperm they found. So it wasnt the dog.


proof? source?`