Pittbull rapes baby. rofl



holy shit! its not really funny but the look on the dogs face is. i wonder if the toddler was a boy or girl. this could affect the toddler in the future if its a boy… if it was a girl it was just early training.

oh my…

“The dog is being held at the Niagara County SPCA for evalution. An animal behavior specialist is scheduled to evaluate the pitbull.”

um…dogs have sex and hump people all the time…its what they do, this time was just an unfortunate mishap…

I am so sick to my stomach just thinking about walkin in and seeing my dog…then…oh god. I could not imagine. Thats so sad.

Doggystyle i bet

what is a 2yr old doing naked? and if the scream scared it why didnt the babys cry scare it?

sounds fishy to me

maybe it was consenual? “she wanted it” - dog.

um. when a dog is humping your leg, do you tell them to stop and they get off or do you usually have to push them off?? i highly doubt a baby’s cry would stop a dog with a red rocket.

good thing it wasn’t that dog from britain! i can see the porn site now… “my baby is fuckin DOGZILLA”

thats so sick…

I got your point. It still doesnt sound right though. Somethings not right.

The mother screamed, scaring the dog and it ran out of the house.

Neighbors ran to help, but only one man was able to get the dog and child apart.


well…ca wants to ban pittbulls…guess they have ny’s vote too. These poor dogs have no luck.

yeah i mean the dog has really good aim. plus, did you ever try to slip into a non lubbed orfice? not easy to do! for the dog to able to hold that baby and do that was quite a feat… sounds fishy!

I think the mother is after her 15 min of fame.

On a more serious note, don’t EVER leave a kid that young alone with a dog.

and naked that crawls on its knees…thats a booty call waiting to happen!!!

they didnt say the age of the dog…
i like how they pointed out it was a pittbull…

As mentioned above, why in the world was the baby naked??? Something definitely isn’t right here. Sounds like the mom is probably coked out and trying to exploit the baby because she has a hidden agenda against Pit Bulls.


PAhahahahahahahAHAHAHahahahahaha! This made my day.:hsdance:

dog should of had a bullet put in its head already, to all you animal lovers fuck off this is unacceptable, mother is at fault but still dog shouldn’t even be alive it should be buried in the back yard

put a naked ass in front of you with a boner and see what happends. I’m not a pitbull fan by anymeans but i’m not blaming the dog on this one.

“it ran out tf the house” Lemme guess, it opened the door left the house while pulling a gun and jumped into a get- away car that was waiting outside.

Stupid woman… I don’t think this adds up.