Pittbull rapes baby. rofl

to the dog the baby was in a submissive position (aka doggystyle) dogs are smart but not that smart, they hump anything. that baby was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I would believe the story if it came from from West Virginia, but not New York.

You’re crazy. Nature vs. Nurture. Nature always wins. The dog was just doing what it does. All the blame belongs on the mother.


y? cause it got its hump on? u sound like a jackass for real

It’s the mother’s fault. Dogs aren’t smart enough to know what is right or what is wrong. Kid should not have been left alone with a dog.

sounds fucked to me… if this is truth why did she just scream? if something is attacking your baby you think that you would do more than scream ,like stab it with a knife ,kick it , hit it with a bat not let it keep going and leave.

dont say that it wouldn’t be nice and people will get mad

to all the above if a dog does something like this it deserves to be put down, granted its the mothers fault, its only nature, etc. doesnt make a damn bit of difference to that kids asshole that has to be reconstructed

maybe it had a small wang.

personally i wouldnt take any size wang in my butthole but to each his own


ur an idiot, ud put down a dog for humping? what the fuck is the kid doing running around naked anyways, put a diaper on it at least

the kid had to have reconstructive surgery on his asshole do you contemplate the seriousness of that? You can go get another dog, the kid can’t have his anal virginity back

ok next time you fuck up we’ll put a bullet in your head? afterwards maybe we should blame your parents? fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

i :love: the hannibal

:scared: wouldn’t life be so much simpler that way? Everytime someone fucked up they didnt get a second chance…bet there wouldnt be as many mistakes then. And next time I rape someone feel free to put a bullet in my head but until that happens my argument will be sorry my hormones were real blah blah blah that kids gonna be scared for life

Your mom should have swallowed.


well world isn’t perfect is it, better half of you rolled down your mom’s leg damn shame

should have been a shot in the bucket

i still think its :rofl: