fuck that shit… that kid is just a punk ass motherfucker that has to be Mr. internet…
yesterday he went onto this site, to this post and copied and pasted everything i said, and he went on vwsport and copied what i said, ‘turned me in’ and got me banned.
He’s typical…enough info to be dangerous but such a dumb ass. No people skills, but he’s ASE certified this and that so BOW, BOW before his greatness. Yawn…fortunatley for him, his area is full of his type, so they probably have a great time swinging from each others sack…
The kid used to work for Air/Water Enterprises and did some good dyno work at that point in time. And that about sums that up…hasn’t done shit worthwhile since then.
didn’t pull the crank…fuck it…probably isn’t bent…but not gonna mess with it…looking for another motor now…so she’ll be back…deciding if I need to get rods…what ya think???