2005 SON - "kick the year off" meet

So gents,

i would like to have a nice big meet early in the year here in niagara to really kick the year off well.

firstly, NO TOUGE!!!

lets not have anymore accidents.

of course we wil probably do it later at night anyways, but lets keep it seperate.

Secondly, how about a saturday night so more people can show up?

i am thinking a similar set up to the first one we had. i can get the buffet set up again with similar food items. people enjoyed that.

getting the whole dining room to ourselves will be more difficult on a saturday night though, we would have to have at least 40 people. we had more than that the first time so…

how about a raffle or something as well, swap meet.

the club is monster now, and even though some people argue all the time we all know each other and are on good terms with everyone so it should be awesome.

maybe a casino run?

lets start talking about it


this a spring / summer thing

not a winter thing

Sign me up I am always down for a good meet and I agree with the no touge stuff this time to many nice cars getting ruined because of it. Casino run would be great pulling up with a hoard of 240s to the Casino would look pimp.

only if my cars on 4 wheels again :lol:

just had a thought:


Once again I have to say meets are great … I’ll be there!
Let’s get some advance notice so I can restart my insurance.

While I’m here at school the car sleeps in the garage and I have to put up with toying around with our formula SAE super car :):slight_smile:

And since I can’t play with the 240 I don’t have time to put up with all you jerks on the forums until car comes back out but it’d be great to get out and see ya all again.

PS: I was at the casino briefly in Niagara Falls for new years and i’ve got to say … weak sauce!

theres a buffet!!! and im a fat kid, im there

240 Meet ________I am in!!!

Chess Tourney____I WILL Kick your ass one of these days Bing!!!

Casino___________I am ALL IN!

Touge____________I will be leaving 3 chevrons!!!

1 Thing… Lets start the meet earlier so that we can have even more time to meet and talk with everyone. That is the best part.

Niagara is a pretty good hike from K town, Well have to see down here. Toronto isnt too bad…


the KW is less than an hour and a half driving casually.

i go to school in guelph.

the drive can be done in an hour.

Bing …

He means K-town = Kingston, not Kitchner.

I’ll be there as long as I have a running car :lol:

Same here, and as long as it is the spring when the snow is gone and I have my insurance back on.

Hey bing…maybe you should direct ur post to the Chicka’s on this msg board too :wink:

This sounds like a good plan, As long as I have enough notice then i’ll be able to book it off.

i’m down for whatever, …well maybe not the chess :slight_smile:

I think it will be pretty big meet, the one oakvill meet I went to in the fall was pretty big…and lotta new people, so Bing i dont think you have any problems with filling the dining room up

I would be in for sure, whether I have to tag a ride with someone, or I’ll
bring my car if I’ve got insurance by then.

What date are we looking at. I will have my car out May 1st for sure.

good plan bing
and this time i wont have to ride shotgun.

We could schedual it for the last weekend after everyone is done school. More people will be around and everyone will be relaxed.

The best way to start off a Summer break is with the best son meet of all time.

ill be in depending on the status of my car. :smiley:

Seems like a lot of people will be in if their cars are running and have insurance.

Shouldn’t this be moved to the meets section or is this thread only being used to determine the interest in a possible spring meet?